PSI Grants Approved in December 2019

Results from December 2019 Grants Committee Meeting

PSI Foundation is pleased to announce that over 30 applications were approved totalling $2,272,500. For more information regarding these funded studies, please visit the Funded Research page.  At this meeting, in addition to the standard funding streams (e.g. New Investigator grant), the Grants Committee also reviewed the applications for the 2020 Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship, 2020 Research Trainee Fellowship, and the 50th Anniversary funding streams (i.e. PSI-50 Mid-Career Clinical Research Award and 2020 Mental Health Knowledge Translation Fellowship).

PSI Foundation would like to thank all of our applicants for submitting their applications, external peer reviewers for strengthening the scientific rigour of our granting program, and the medical universities in Ontario for assisting the Foundation with the process.

Stay Connected

We look forward to showcasing all of our grantees via our communication channels. We invite you to follow us on Twitter to stay on top of PSI news, including new funding opportunities and updates to our funding guidelines.

Innovative Clinical Tool Combines Medical and Social Factors to Assess Senior Health

Research from a PSI Foundation–funded team has led to the development of a first-of-its-kind assessment of seniors’ biomedical and social vulnerability. The Frailty and Vulnerability Evaluation (FAVE) tool, developed by Dr. Ross Upshur and his team at Bridgepoint Active Healthcare and the Department of Family and Community Medicine in Toronto with funding from PSI Foundation, is a step towards higher quality care for seniors.

Dr. Upshur’s career has largely been focused on senior care, starting with electives as an undergraduate in medical school, followed by several years as a primary care physician in a rural area with a large senior population. In recent years of his research career, he and his team have been interested in developing tools to help physicians in family practice manage the complex health care needs of seniors.

They identified that while certain aspects of seniors’ health were becoming better understood, there was still a significant gap – social isolation. “There’s growing interest and recognition from the health system around frailty,” says Dr. Upshur. “Frailty is important, but not the whole story.” Yet, no clinical tools in primary care looked at both frailty and social vulnerability, so he and his team, with input from an expert advisory committee, developed one.

The new tool, FAVE, asks seniors about their health and functional abilities, but importantly, also asks about their social wellbeing, including their loneliness, living arrangements, feeling of safety and economic insecurity. “People are now talking about loneliness and isolation as an issue,” says Dr. Upshur. “A primary care physician might notice that a patient might have issues with loneliness and vulnerability, but collecting this information has not been systematic.”

With funding from PSI Foundation, the team validated FAVE and compared the performance to existing measures, such as the frailty score and physician judgment, to determine if it is a reliable predictor of an individual’s health and wellbeing.

More than 260 patients from 10 Family Health Teams from urban, suburban and rural practices completed the tool. Seniors completed the FAVE assessment on paper or electronically prior to an appointment with their family physician. The team also asked the family physician for an assessment of the individual’s frailty and wellbeing, blinded from the patient’s score on the tool.

They found that patients thought the survey was user friendly, and importantly, that FAVE scores correlated well with seniors’ self-reported health, as well as physician assessments and frailty scores.

To understand whether FAVE is a good predictor of an individual’s future health, the team is now looking at patients’ charts one year after they complete the tool, particularly to examine the patient’s total number of health care transitions (such as being admitted to the emergency department, long-term care or a return home), and the total number of days spent at home. The analysis is currently underway but will help determine whether FAVE, physician judgment, the frailty score, or a combination is the best predictor of a patient’s future health care transitions.

Dr. Upshur notes that PSI Foundation plays an important role in this type of research. “It can be difficult to get funding for small-scale projects that engage local partners, but PSI Foundation is a strong supporter of this type of research,” says Dr. Upshur. “They focus on research that is meaningful to clinical practice.”

As Ontario includes an already large and growing population of seniors, Dr. Upshur hopes that FAVE will help primary care physicians care for both the health and social needs of seniors. “The tool is just one component of a systematic approach for seniors in the community by primary care physicians,” he says. “It’s an important step towards more comprehensive, appropriate, compassionate and high quality care for seniors.”

Surgical Resident’s Research Challenges Dogma of Small Bowel Obstruction Management

A potentially practice-changing study led by a PSI Foundation-funded surgical resident has challenged long-held beliefs about care for small bowel obstructions (SBOs).

SBO, a blockage in the intestine often cause by scar tissue (or “adhesions”) from previous surgery, is a common condition, representing about 20% of all hospital admissions for abdominal pain. A small number of patients whose conditions don’t resolve with usual treatment receive surgery, but most patients, about 80%, recover from SBO through treatment with bowel rest, IV fluids and gastric decompression. These patients are considered to be successfully treated and released from hospital, yet many of them will return – sometimes as often as every few months – with a recurrence.

Dr. Ramy Behman, a surgical resident with the University of Toronto, wanted to study the long-term natural history of SBO and potentially improve treatment. “We’ve been treating SBO the same way for a long time. Some people bounce back from an SBO, but then they’re dealing with it every few months,” says Dr. Behman. “SBOs aren’t very well studied, so a better understanding of the natural history could be helpful to improve treatment.”

Dr. Behman applied for and received PSI Foundation funding, which he says was crucial to the research, especially so early in his career. “I don’t know how we would have done the study without the funding,” he says. “And having people outside of your research committee think that the research is worthwhile is very encouraging when you’re just starting off.”

With a Resident Research Grant, Dr. Behman looked at 10 years of health administrative data, identifying nearly 40,000 patients in Ontario admitted to hospital for their first SBO during that time period. They then followed how the patients were treated on that occasion and any following recurrences and tracked the outcomes. The large dataset allowed them to examine the different ways that SBOs are managed and how outcomes are affected.

“We were one of the first groups to really step back and look at the long-term disease course,” he says. “And what we found was challenging to the dogma.”

Physicians have long believed that surgery for SBO would increase the risk of recurrence by creating new adhesions and usually don’t recommended surgery for SBO unless other treatments are unsuccessful. But Dr. Behman’s research suggested that this actually isn’t the case – in fact, surgery could reduce the risk of recurrence. According to their results, patients with SBO treated with surgery – whether on the first or subsequent occurrences – cut the risk of recurrence by about half.

“Operating can take patients off the recurrence cycle. It can really change the trajectory of disease for patients,” says Dr. Behman.

Surgery does have its own risks, namely the risk of complications that could potentially have been avoided, as well as a greater upfront cost than standard treatment. Dr. Behman and his team are analyzing the cost-utility to examine whether the greater upfront costs are offset by fewer hospital readmissions due to recurrences, and he is hoping to publish the results soon.

He notes that the study may influence guidelines for SBO management and help physicians make informed decisions about how the condition can be managed.

“This isn’t a uniform prescription for every patient with SBO, but it adds to our understanding of the disease and facilitates informed decision making,” he says. “The optimal practice will be the right intervention for the right patient.”

2019 3rd Quarter Update

In an effort to keep Ontario’s physicians and the general public more informed about PSI Foundation, we are providing quarterly updates about our activities and news. We welcome any feedback you may have about these updates.

In the third quarter of 2019, PSI Foundation has launched some exciting new initiatives. Read on to find out more.

Relaunch of Grantee Spotlights

PSI Foundation funds approximately $5 million in research and education every year, and all of these funded physicians help PSI to achieve our mission of improving the health of Ontarians. To help show how these grantees work towards solving problems that will improve Ontarians’ health, we are highlighting some of our grant recipients who represent various medical fields and funding programs in Grantee Spotlights posted on our website.

So far, the featured researchers include:

  • Dr. Sonny Dhanani, chief of pediatric intensive care at Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), whose team developed a tool using vital sign waveforms to predict whether a patient removed from life-sustaining therapy might be a potential organ donor
  • Dr. Peter Wong, a pediatrician in Toronto, who led research finding that shorter breastfeeding duration did not increase the risk of household food insecurity
  • Dr. Cindy Shen, a former resident with the University of Toronto, who studied the barriers that immigrants face in being screened for colorectal cancer

More spotlights will be added to the PSI website in the coming months. Follow #PSISpotlight on Twitter to stay updated.

More than $1 million in new funding approved

PSI Foundation’s Grants Committee approved 10 new grants in September 2019, representing an investment of $1,142,500.

The new grants are examining a range of topics, including the impact of pharmacare for children and youth with diabetes, traditional birth knowledge in a northern First Nations community, obesity prevention in toddlers and a tool to assess quality of care in medical assistance in dying. See the full list of the new grant recipients.

The Grants Committee thanks all applicants and external reviewers for their time and expertise.

PSI Foundation 50th Anniversary Update

PSI Foundation is marking its 50th anniversary on June 4, 2020. To help celebrate this milestone, we are funding a Mental Health Knowledge Translation Fellowship and Mid-Career Clinical Fellowship Award. We are looking forward to receiving applications from each medical university in Ontario for both of these awards.

The Grants Committee will be reviewing the applications for these awards in the near future, and results will be available towards the end of December.

We will be highlighting more of PSI Foundation’s achievements over the last 50 years throughout 2020. More details to come!


For more information about any of these topics, please contact the PSI Foundation office, and follow us on Twitter (@PSIFoundation) for updates.


PSI Grants Approved in September 2019

Results from September 2019 Grants Committee Meeting

PSI Foundation is pleased to announce that 10 grants were approved totalling $1,142,500. For more information regarding these funded studies, please visit the Funded Research page.

PSI Foundation would like to thank all of our applicants for submitting their applications and the external peer reviewers for strengthening the scientific rigour of our granting program.

Stay Connected

We invite you to follow us on Twitter to stay on top of PSI news, including new funding opportunities and updates to our funding guidelines.

Resident’s Research Identifies Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening in Immigrants

As the child of immigrants, Dr. Shixin (Cindy) Shen has had a long-standing interest in immigrant health issues, including cancer screening. While pursuing the Public Health and Preventive Medicine Residency at the University of Toronto, she found that there was little information about the barriers to colorectal cancer screening that immigrants in Ontario may face. “Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer, and 40% of all immigrants in Canada live in Ontario,” she says. “Yet, there wasn’t much information about colorectal cancer screening in immigrants in Ontario, despite the fact that they tend to have lower screening rates.”

To address this knowledge gap, Dr. Shen and her supervisors, Dr. Aisha Lofters and Dr. Richard Glazier, looked at the immigration and non-immigration factors that influence screening rates in immigrants, in order to get a better understanding of which are the most important.

They looked at data from a number of health care administrative databases, as well as the Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada’s Permanent Resident Database, which contains records of individuals who obtained immigrant status since 1985.

Dr. Shen found that within the immigrant population there were significant differences in rates of screening non-adherence, related to different factors. Among the factors related to immigration, an individual’s region of birth and the income level of that region, as well as their immigration class (economic, family or refugee) were the most important factors that predicted screening non-adherence. Among the factors not related to immigration, individuals with no or moderate use of the health care system and those not rostered to a care team were less likely to be screened.

The results emphasize the health inequalities that immigrants may face in Ontario. “Some of these factors, especially when combined, contributed to significant disparities in screening uptake,” says Dr. Shen. “For example, among refugees from low-income countries who were not rostered and who lived in low-income areas, the rate of non-adherence to screening was 71%, compared to 25% for economic immigrants from high-income countries who were rostered and lived in high-income areas.”

The study was supported by a Resident Research Grant from PSI Foundation, which was critical for allowing the team to access the multiple databases and to support Dr. Shen’s work on the study. “The funding from PSI Foundation allowed me to lead the study from beginning to end, which was a very helpful learning experience,” she says. “I was able to further develop my skills in critical thinking, problem solving, and evidence generation, which will be helpful in my career as a public health physician.”

Dr. Shen notes that the study is just the starting point in understanding the screening barriers in this population, and that further research is needed to explore these factors in more depth. Ultimately, she hopes that the research can be used to help policymakers find ways to increase screening rates in this priority population.

“We know that screening is important for reducing cancer incidence and death rates, and we know that there are social factors that lead to poorer access to services and poorer health status,” she says. “With this research, we hope to have a better understanding of the potential causes of differential access to preventive care, so that we can address them properly and bridge the gap in health outcomes. The goal is to level the playing field so that everyone can lead healthy lives.”

Unique Early Childhood Research Group Suggests Breastfeeding Duration May Not Reduce Household Food Insecurity

Health professionals agree that breastfeeding is important for long-term child health, and it has also been suggested by policymakers as a way to reduce the risk of poverty and household food insecurity (HFI). But a recent PSI Foundation–funded study has challenged the conventional wisdom regarding breastfeeding duration and HFI, suggesting that it may be more important to focus on other strategies to reduce poverty.

“The benefits of breastfeeding are well recognized, but will it protect families from household food insecurity? Maybe not,” says Dr. Peter Wong, a pediatrician in Toronto.

Because breastmilk substitutes are expensive and could take money away from a household’s food budget, policymakers have suggested that encouraging longer duration of breastfeeding can be one way to decrease the risk of HFI. No research demonstrating the effectiveness of this strategy had previously been done, although studies have shown that the presence of HFI may adversely affect the duration of breastfeeding.

With a PSI Foundation Healthcare Research by Community Physicians grant, Dr. Wong and a team of researchers led by Drs. Patricia Parkin, Jonathon Maguire, Cory Borkhoff and Catherine Birken at TARGetKids!, a research group that focuses on early childhood health, explored this question. A unique research group in Canada, TARGetKids! includes a study population of 10,000 healthy children recruited at community-based practices to provide information about their growth, development and lifestyle to help researchers answer questions about this understudied group.

Dr. Wong and his colleagues surveyed 3,000 families from TARGetKids!, asking questions about breastfeeding duration, household food insecurity and family income. Surprisingly, they did not find an association between breastfeeding duration and HFI, suggesting that shorter duration does not increase the risk of HFI in their study population.

While Dr. Wong notes that the TARGetKids! study group provided access to a large study sample, he also says that the participants were not necessarily reflective of the population where HFI is a pressing concern, which may have influenced the results. Still, the study suggests that breastfeeding on its own may not be enough to help families struggling with poverty and HFI.

“To address household food insecurity, we need a higher level, upstream strategy that addresses more societal problems,” says Dr. Wong. “We need policies that will reduce insufficient income and poor employment. That’s where we’ll make a greater difference.”

Dr. Wong and the team are now planning to examine how breastfeeding and other health-related factors might influence measures of early childhood health, such as nutrition, development and cardiometabolic health. His primary role as a practising pediatrician, as well as his interest in community engagement, public health and epidemiology, gives him unique insight into these types of research questions. “As community physicians, we interact with families and kids on a daily basis, and we have a good appreciation for their health and social challenges,” he says. “We are able to formulate research questions that really have an impact on the health of families and communities.”

And he appreciates that PSI Foundation is supportive of physicians like him who do not have access to the same resources as academic researchers. “Full-time community clinicians have a challenging time competing in the same funding pool as academic researchers,” he says. “PSI Foundation demonstrates that physicians really do care about medical research and about asking questions that address the health of Ontarians.”

New Tool Uses Vital Sign Variability to Predict Potential of Organ Donation

Headshot of Dr. Sonny Dhanani

“PSI Foundation really looks into the needs of our patients’ and their families and the gaps in our medical practice. At PSI Foundation, where it’s physician-driven, they seem to understand what we want to do, and they understand that these ideas may not be funded elsewhere.” – Dr. Sonny Dhanani

When a new policy came into effect in Canada in 2006 that allowed organ donation after circulatory determination of death, not just neurologic determination, it unlocked the potential for many more organs to be donated. But at the same time, it created confusion in the medical community.

“The community wanted more clarity around the declaration of death related to circulatory death,” says Dr. Sonny Dhanani, an intensive care physician and researcher at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. “When circulatory death became a way to donate organs, we needed more evidence about when and how death should be determined.”

He and his team began a small observational study, funded by PSI Foundation, that helped to provide a greater understanding of the process of circulatory death.

But just as importantly, they needed a way to predict how long a patient would live after being withdrawn from life-sustaining therapy. In the case of circulatory death, time is of the essence – organs are only viable to be transplanted for about two hours after withdrawal of life sustaining therapy, as blood flow and oxygen are depleted.

With PSI Foundation funding, Dr. Dhanani and his team looked for ways to predict how long a patient would live after removing life-sustaining therapy, with the goal that patients predicted to die within the two-hour time frame would be the best candidates for organ donation.

In their observational study of 650 patients, the team observed vital signs waveforms starting up to an hour before the patient was removed from life support and continuing up to 24 hours later. By comparing the waveform patterns and the variability of the patterns, they were able to develop a model that predicted how long an individual would live after withdrawal of life support.

They found that their model was as accurate as current clinical assessments, but has the potential to be done more efficiently, automatically and in real time. Ultimately, they hope to put all of the data together – the waveform decision tool, clinical decision tools and physicians’ assessments – to create a comprehensive prediction of whether a patient would be a good donor candidate.

“The situation right now is hard on families and the health care team. A lot of resources are mobilized for people who won’t become donors,” says Dr. Dhanani. “Our predictive tool would be personalized and done in real time, which helps to inform families about the dying process and allows the health care team to have more confidence when approaching potential families about organ donation.”

While it may seem difficult to engage families in this type of research, Dr. Dhanani and his team have always prioritized family engagement in their research, and in fact, they found high rates of participation in their studies. In their pilot study, more than 90% of the families approached consented to participate, much higher than other for other studies involving the ICU.

“If it’s felt that someone won’t die in the appropriate time frame, families aren’t even being approached to discuss donation,” says Dr. Dhanani. “That’s a missed opportunity. Our tool would help to ensure that this doesn’t occur. Everyone should have the opportunity to be a donor.”

2019 Second Quarter Update

In an effort to keep Ontario’s physicians and the general public more informed about PSI Foundation, we will be providing quarterly updates about our activities and news. This is the first such update, and we hope it is useful in keeping up to date with our activities. We welcome any feedback you may have about these updates.

The second quarter has been a busy one at PSI Foundation, starting with the annual general meeting (AGM) in April to announcing new grants and funding opportunities in June. Read on to find out more about our activities.

Annual General Meeting focused on knowledge translation

This year’s AGM was held on April 26 in Toronto, and it included continuing education and the business meeting. The continuing education portion of the meeting focused on knowledge translation (KT) and included presentations from leaders in the field and former recipients of the PSI Foundation Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship. Attendees also participated in round table discussions related to overcoming barriers to implementing KT in their institutions.

During the business meeting, representatives from PSI’s Board provided updates from the various committees, presented a history of the Foundation and its successes, and updated attendees on plans related to PSI’s 50th anniversary.

Read more about the event.

Seven new grants approved in June 2019

PSI Foundation is investing a total of $683,000 in seven new grants, which were approved at the June 2019 grants committee meeting.

The new grants, awarded to researchers at institutions in Ottawa and Toronto, represent a range of research types and fields, for example the physical and mental health of children with medical conditions and disabilities, pregnancy and parental leave of women physicians, and immune system response to oncolytic virus infection of colorectal tumours. Congratulations to all of the successful researchers! Read more about the new grants.

The Grants Committee thanks all of the applicants and external reviewers for their time and expertise during this process.

PSI Health Research Grants enhanced

Starting with submissions received as of January 2020, PSI Foundation is raising the amount of funding available for Health Research Grants, from $200,000 over two years to $250,000 over three years. We are very happy to increase the support for our researchers with this enhancement. More information is available here.

Fellowship funding opportunities for 2020 announced

Two of PSI’s annual fellowship programs will soon be accepting applications for 2020.

The Research Trainee Fellowship provides $50,000 over two years to medical doctors enrolled in a PhD or MSc program, or to students enrolled in a combined MD/PhD or MD/MSc program. This fellowship is meant to support MDs who are pursuing research in clinically relevant fields. Applicants must have the support of a mentor and of their institution.

The Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship provides a maximum of $300,000 over two or three years to support a new investigator who is working in KT research, and it is meant to protect at least half of the fellow’s time for such research. Applicants must be within the first five years of their academic appointment, or may be practising physicians either with an academic appointment or working with a supervisor who has an academic appointment.

Researchers or physicians who are interested in applying must work with the research office at their institution, as the institution, not the individual, must submit the application. If you have questions or would like more information about either program, please contact the PSI Foundation office.

PSI Foundation’s 50th anniversary preparations underway

PSI Foundation will be marking our 50th anniversary on June 4, 2020, and we have a variety of activities planned to celebrate this milestone. We will share details over the coming months, but for now, we are pleased to announce two one-time funding opportunities.

The Mental Health Knowledge Translation Fellowship will provide up to $300,000 in funding over two or three years to support a new investigator working in KT specifically related to mental health. For a number of years, mental health research was outside the scope of PSI Foundation’s mandate, but recently it has been included in the primary Health Research Funding program. This new fellowship is specifically earmarked for mental health research. The funding is meant for physicians within the first 10 years of an academic appointment, or for practising physicians with an academic appointment or with a supervisor who has an academic appointment, and it will protect at least 50% of their time to do KT research related to mental health. Please contact the PSI Foundation office with questions or for more information.

In addition, a Mid-Career Clinical Research Award will provide up to $300,000 in funding over three or four years for a clinician-researcher between five and 15 years of their first academic appointment. This award recognizes that this phase of a researcher’s career is particularly challenging, with additional academic roles and responsibilities as well as the ongoing clinical work, and it will protect at least 50% of a recipient’s time for research that aligns with PSI Foundation priorities. Those who are interested in applying for this one-time opportunity should contact the research office at their institution, as applications must be sent by the institution, not the applicant.


Please contact the PSI Foundation office for information about any of these topics, and follow us on Twitter (@PSIFoundation) for updates.

Grants Approved in June 2019

Results from June 2019 Grants Committee Meeting

PSI Foundation is pleased to announce that 7 grants were approved totalling $683,000. For more information regarding these funded studies, please visit the Funded Research page. PSI Foundation would like to thank all of our applicants for submitting their applications and the external peer reviewers for strengthening the scientific rigour of our granting program.

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We invite you to follow us on Twitter to stay on top of PSI news, including new funding opportunities and updates to our funding guidelines.

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