PSI Virtual Office Hours with Samuel Moore

PSI Executive Director Samuel Moore will now be hosting virtual office hours for the general public through Zoom, occurring on select Tuesday mornings from 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM (Eastern Standard Time). Available meeting dates will be posted at the beginning of each month on the PSI Twitter account.

If you have any inquiries about our grants programs, application procedures, or general inquiries, feel free to use these virtual office hours as an opportunity to drop in for a one-on-one chat. These virtual office hours were created so that grantees, applicants, and reviewers with longer-form inquiries can have any outstanding questions answered.

To join the Zoom meeting room, click the hyperlink below or enter the meeting code below into your Zoom app.
Zoom Meeting ID: 845 2091 2698

If assistance is needed, please see this guide from Zoom support with detailed instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting room, or email

New PSI Funding Opportunity: 2024 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation (KT) Fellowship

PSI Launches the 2024 Competition for the PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

PSI Foundation is very pleased to announce the 2024 competition for the PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship. This Fellowship is intended to provide salary support for a new investigator who has demonstrated the ability to successfully complete high impact knowledge translation research. The Fellowship funds, dedicated to salary support, must protect at least 50% of the Fellow’s time to conduct such research.

Please note: Knowledge translation must be the fundamental purpose of this Fellowship and must be demonstrated in the application.

Amount and Duration of Funding

This program offers two options for a funding timeline for salary support: A maximum of $150,000 per year for two years; OR a maximum of $100,000 per year for three years.

Please note: the award is intended to protect at least 50% of the fellow’s time to undertake research, regardless of whether the award is taken over two or three years.

Eligibility of Candidate

For the 2024 competition, PSI has set the eligibility criteria for candidates as follows:

The candidate for the Fellowship must be either:

  • Within six (6) years of their first academic appointment and have demonstrated potential for high impact research work
    • Please note: PSI has adjusted this eligibility requirement in recognition of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Dedicating at least 50% of a full-time schedule to the Fellowship
  • A practising physician with a College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) licensed M.D. having direct patient care responsibilities and an academic appointment, thus eligible to apply for their own research grants as an independent investigator.


  • A clinical fellow in Ontario who is a practising physician having direct patient care responsibilities, with a supervisor who has an academic appointment and that can provide the necessary research supervision and infrastructure (including administering the grant at the sponsoring institution). A letter of support from this supervisor must be included in the application.

Important Information in Funding Guidelines

The Funding Guidelines contain important information regarding the award, including PSI’s definition of knowledge translation, sponsoring institution requirements, and funding criteria.

Please review this document before applying.

How to Apply

Similar to the previous years, PSI is launching the 2024 competition through a Letter of Intent (LOI) process. Please note that for this competition, applicants are required to submit their applications directly to PSI, not through the institution.

We require all applicants to submit the completed LOI directly to PSI via the PSI Online Grants Management System ( by June 5th, 2023 at 5pm EST. LOIs will be reviewed by the PSI Grants Committee in July/August 2023.

PSI will invite successful applicants to submit full applications by November 6th, 2023 at 5pm EST, which will undergo internal review for a final funding decision in December 2023.


Please contact the PSI Office to discuss any questions you may have about submitting an application for funding.

New PSI Funding Opportunity: 2024 PSI Mid-Career Knowledge Translation (KT) Fellowship

PSI acknowledges that mid-career can be a challenging time for physician researchers. During this phase, there are often additional academic roles and responsibilities including committee work, leadership positions, and mentoring of junior investigators, while clinical work continues. PSI recognizes the importance in supporting this phase of an investigator’s trajectory.

PSI Launches the 2024 Competition for the PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

PSI Foundation is very pleased to announce the 2024 competition for the PSI Mid-Career Knowledge Translation Fellowship. This Fellowship is intended to provide salary support for a mid-career physician researcher in Ontario who has demonstrated the ability to successfully complete high-impact knowledge translation research. The Fellowship funds, dedicated to salary support, must protect at least 50% of the Fellow’s time to conduct such research.

Please note: Knowledge translation must be the fundamental purpose of this Fellowship and must be demonstrated in the application.

Amount and Duration of Funding

Total Support

This program offers two options for a funding timeline for salary support:

A maximum of $400,000 over two years;


A maximum of $400,000 over three years.

The award is intended to protect at least 50% of the fellow’s time to undertake research, regardless of whether the award is taken over two or three years.

Matching Funding Requirements

The sponsoring institution is required to fund 50% of the total award.

For example, if the fellow requests a total support of $400,000 over two years, then PSI will fund $200,000 over two years ($100,000 per year) and the institution is required to co-fund $200,000 over two years ($100,000 per year).


For the 2024 competition, the candidate for the Fellowship must be:

  • A practicing physician in Ontario with a College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario licensed M.D. having direct patient care responsibilities and an academic appointment, thus eligible to apply for their own research grants as an independent investigator
  • Within six (6) to fifteen (15) years of their first academic appointment and have demonstrated potential for high impact research work
  • Dedicating at least 50% of a full-time schedule to the Fellowship

Important Information in Funding Guidelines

The Funding Guidelines contain important information regarding the award, including PSI’s definition of knowledge translation, matching funding requirements, and funding criteria.

Please review this document before applying.

How to Apply

PSI is launching the 2024 competition through a Letter of Intent (LOI) process. Please note that for this competition, applicants are required to submit their applications directly to PSI, not through their institution.

We require all applicants to submit the completed LOI directly to PSI via the PSI Online Grants Management System ( by June 5th, 2023 at 5pm EST. LOIs will be reviewed by the PSI Grants Committee in July/August 2023.

PSI will invite successful applicants to submit full applications, which will undergo internal review for a final funding decision in December 2023.


Please contact the PSI Office to discuss any questions you may have about submitting an application for funding.

Dr. Selina Liu: Finding a New Approach to Improve Screening for Diabetic Eye Disease

“This was my first successful grant as a new investigator, so it really jumpstarted my research career.… Getting that first grant and being able to do this research led to other opportunities, and I’m very grateful to PSI Foundation for their support.” – Dr. Selina Liu, Western University, Lawson Health Research Institute and St. Joseph’s Health Care, London, Ontario

Recent estimates from Diabetes Canada indicate that 5.7 million Canadians are living with diabetes. Many of these people do or will experience eye damage, called diabetic retinopathy, which is a major cause of vision loss. As a result, practice guidelines recommend that people with diabetes undergo screening for diabetic retinopathy once a year.

People with diabetes have their eye exams covered through OHIP, but they may face other barriers to getting an exam, such as simply remembering to make the appointment, taking additional time off work for the exam, and taking eye drops that make it difficult to see and drive for some time after the exam.

“Prior research showed that about 50% of people with diabetes in Ontario weren’t having their eyes checked regularly, and that’s a major problem. We know that diabetic retinopathy is the main cause of blindness in working-age adults in Canada and has a drastic effect on quality of life,” says Dr. Selina Liu, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine at Western University, Associate Scientist at Lawson Health Research Institute and Endocrinologist, Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism at St. Joseph’s Health Care London, Ontario. “Vision loss due to diabetic retinopathy is preventable through early detection and treatment. Developing strategies to improve retinopathy screening seemed to be a major area that deserved further research.”

One strategy uses a new technology to potentially make screening more accessible.

Non-mydriatic ultra-widefield (UWF) retinal imaging, which uses a specialized camera to take a wide-angle image of the retina, offers a few advantages over the usual screening methods used by optometrists. It only takes a few minutes and does not require eye drops, and images can be taken by trained staff and provided to an ophthalmologist to be read later. For these reasons, UWF imaging has potential to be incorporated into the regular diabetes clinic visits.

“What if we could integrate screening into a diabetes clinic visit?” says Dr. Liu. “If we could screen for retinopathy on the same day and in the same location where our patients are already coming for diabetes care, some of the barriers to getting screening done would be taken away.”

In 2016, Dr. Liu and a multidisciplinary team received funding from PSI Foundation for a randomized clinical trial called Clearsight to examine whether UWF imaging could detect more patients with eye disease that needed closer monitoring or treatment compared to usual screening.

“As a new investigator, embarking on a full 740-person randomized controlled trial was a bit daunting at first,” she says.  “But having funding from PSI Foundation was essential for this trial and gave me confidence as I went down this path.”

The research team recruited 740 patients with diabetes to participate in the trial, with half being screened through UWF imaging and half receiving usual care. The trial mimicked how screening is or could be done in a real-world setting: the patients enrolled in the UWF group were offered screening at the same clinic visit with the images read by an ophthalmologist later, while those receiving usual screening were responsible for making their own optometrist appointment. Patients in the UWF group were also still advised to visit their optometrist for usual screening, as per standard of care.

The team found that on-site screening significantly increased detection of diabetic eye disease that required either increased surveillance (more than annually) or referral to an ophthalmologist for further assessment. They also found that on-site screening resulted in significantly higher screening adherence than usual screening. The study did not look at patients’ vision outcomes as a result of the screening (since a much larger and longer trial would be required), but they expect that if more patients who require closer monitoring or ophthalmology referral are identified early, the rates of vision-threatening diabetic eye disease would ultimately decrease.

While the results were promising, screening with UWF imaging does come with significant costs, and Dr. Liu plans to complete a cost-effectiveness analysis of the imaging compared to usual screening. She is also undertaking research on other approaches to identify patients at risk of diabetic eye disease, including the use of artificial intelligence to read UWF images and the use of blood biomarkers for retinopathy screening.

Ultimately, she hopes that the Clearsight trial and other related work will provide evidence that can be incorporated into diabetes clinical practice guidelines to improve screening and vision care for people with diabetes, in Canada and worldwide.

“We hope that having this study will provide the high-quality evidence that this approach can improve retinopathy screening and detection rates, and perhaps it could be implemented in clinical practice guidelines so that the diabetes clinic could be a one-stop shop for diabetes care, including eyes,” says Dr. Liu. “We have more work to do to get there, but we hope our work can influence changes to health policy and clinical practice in how screening for diabetic eye disease in Canada is performed.”

Dr. Brian Hummel: Bringing Forward Indigenous Voices to Improve Inuit Child Health

First Nations, Inuit and Métis people in Canada have poorer health outcomes than non-Indigenous people due to historical and ongoing systems of discrimination, and these disparities can start in childhood, with Inuit children experiencing higher rates of respiratory infections, iron deficiency anemia, and other conditions.

A team of researchers in Ottawa – home to the largest Inuit population in Canada outside of the traditional Inuit homeland of Inuit Nunangat – recently completed a study funded by the PSI Foundation that aims to arm caregivers of Inuit children with the knowledge they want and need to improve child health outcomes.

“Our colonial history, historical and ongoing systems of discrimination, and the unique challenges that Inuit people face when they have to move from the north to an urban Ottawa community result in a lot of cultural dissonance and tensions that are challenging for this community,” says Dr. Brian Hummel, currently a pediatric infectious disease fellow at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). “We wanted to better understand what those challenges are and what can be done to help support child health for this community.”

Recognizing the need for better knowledge sharing around child health, Dr. Hummel and co-investigator Dr. Daniel Bierstone, along with supervisor Dr. Radha Jetty, the physician lead for Inuit Child Health and the Nunavut Program at CHEO, partnered with the Inuuqatigiit Centre for Inuit Children, Youth and Families to better understand the experiences of caregivers of Inuit children related to child health.

Supported by a PSI Foundation Resident Research Grant, Dr. Hummel and the team conducted focus groups with 24 caregivers of Inuit children. In the focus groups, they discussed where caregivers go for child health knowledge, the topics they felt they needed more knowledge about, and how they prefer to learn about child health.

Dr. Hummel says that the qualitative approach to the study, as opposed to conducting a survey or other quantitative method, was essential to collecting data that would directly represent the voices of the caregivers.

“This approach allowed us to collect data that was more rich, raw and real, and it allowed Indigenous voices to be more directly represented in the research,” he says. “As non-Indigenous researchers, we viewed our role as being vessels to bring forward Indigenous insights, very much in the spirit of ‘never about us without us.’”

Knowledge-sharing programs should include both Indigenous and Western ways of knowing

In the focus groups, caregivers said they needed more support and information about parenting and development, adolescent mental and sexual health, common childhood illnesses, infant care and nutrition – topics where there can be tension between Indigenous and non-Indigenous ways of knowing.

Caregivers also said that they often turned to their families, friends, community members and Indigenous health services for child health information, largely because of previous negative experiences with Western medical institutions and lack of trust of these institutions.

While caregivers strongly preferred in-person knowledge-sharing sessions for their supportive environment and opportunity to build community, importantly, they identified that involving both Inuit Elders and health care providers in these sessions was important.

“One of the interesting themes that came out in the focus groups was this idea of synergy between Indigenous ways of knowing and Western medicine ways of knowing, and how those two things don’t need to compete with each other but can instead work synergistically together to support Inuit child health,” says Dr. Hummel. “There are things that are valued more in the cultural understandings of health, such as nutrition, child-rearing and development. But there were also things they valued about western medicine approaches.”

“Ultimately knowledge-sharing programs should include both Inuit and Western knowledge and traditions, while empowering families to engage in Indigenous child-rearing practices,” he adds.

The study is the first of its kind to explore caregivers’ perspectives on urban Inuit child health knowledge, and it has been presented at national pediatric and Indigenous health conferences and published in the peer-reviewed journal International Journal of Circumpolar Health. Dr. Hummel and the research team hope that these findings can now be used to help develop programs and other knowledge-sharing initiatives to benefit caregivers and ultimately improve Inuit children’s health.

As Dr. Hummel finishes his fellowship and moves to the next stage of his career, he plans to continue being involved in research and education on top of his clinical practice. And he says the PSI Resident Research Award has helped prepare him by giving him a rare opportunity to lead a larger project.

“As residents, there aren’t a lot of funding opportunities for these kinds of larger projects,” he says. “PSI funding is really important for those of us who want to do larger projects to have these opportunities.”

PSI Visiting Scholars Program Open for Applications

The PSI Visiting Scholars Program is now open to all eligible medical universities, hospitals, and research institutes in Ontario.

PSI’s Visiting Scholar Program aims to support specific priorities identified by a given hospital/research institute in Ontario and PSI’s Grants Committee. This program provides funds ($15,000 per year) for a hospital/research institute in Ontario to attract an external expert to address such priorities.

For more information, email or check out the brochure for the PSI Visiting Scholar Program.

Dr. Victoria Siu: Clinical Trial of Histidine Supplementation Changes Management of Rare Genetic Condition

A clinical trial funded by the PSI Foundation is changing the management of a rare genetic condition found in the Amish communities of southwestern Ontario. A research team led by Dr. Victoria Siu, a medical geneticist at London Health Science Centre and associate professor at Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, found that histidine supplementation was effective in reducing the complications in children with the condition.

“The positive effects of histidine supplementation in patients with this condition open up the possibility of an inexpensive treatment to prevent loss of vision and hearing,” says Dr. Siu. “It’s very difficult to find funding for a clinical trial of a natural health product like histidine. We couldn’t have done this trial without PSI funding, and I’m very grateful.”

Dr. Siu began her career in London, Ontario, which is close to the majority of Ontario’s Amish and Mennonite communities, and she often sees patients from these communities as part of her practice.

In the early 2000s, she and her colleague, Dr. Tony Rupar, received funding from the PSI Foundation to lay the groundwork for a newborn and early childhood screening program in the Amish and Mennonite communities that would test for four treatable genetic disorders. In addition to helping identify children who could benefit from early treatment, the newborn screening program also helped Dr. Siu and other researchers examine the genetic conditions that affect this community.

“In a way, that grant was really seed funding for many other new discoveries,” she says. “The community, the public health nurses and midwives, started letting us know about other children with medical conditions, which enabled us to identify several new genes that caused some of these disorders in the community.”

More than 15 years after her first PSI grant, Dr. Siu received another PSI grant to examine a potential treatment for one such genetic disorder ­– HARS syndrome.

HARS syndrome is an extremely rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder, but it is much more common in the Amish community in southwestern Ontario where approximately one in five individuals in in the Amish community is a carrier of the gene and approximately one in 100 babies in the community are affected.

The HARS gene codes for an enzyme that links histidine to transfer RNA (tRNA), a process essential for protein translation. When this gene is mutated, the enzyme’s function is altered.

Affected children are often somewhat smaller than unaffected children, but are otherwise healthy and develop appropriately; however, when the child is infected with even common childhood viruses such as influenza or RSV, they often need hospitalization and can develop acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Following infection, their balance becomes unsteady, and their hearing and vision deteriorates. Historically, the mortality rate for affected children has been quite high due to ARDS. Children who do survive often need cochlear implants for their hearing and continue to lose their vision.

Children in histidine study stayed healthy through COVID-19 pandemic

With PSI funding, Dr. Siu and her research team examined 14 children with HARS ranging from one to 17 years old who were given a daily histidine supplement to determine whether it could be used to keep these children healthy and prevent further hearing and vision loss. Histidine is a relatively inexpensive supplement, costing around $100 a month for the oldest participants and much less for the younger children taking a lower dose.

Over the three-year study, the researchers monitored the children’s growth and overall health and periodically assessed the children’s vision and hearing.

The research team found that none of the children experienced any significant deterioration in their vision or hearing over the course of the study. And, importantly, the children also maintained overall good health during the study period, which took place during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The children were not vaccinated against COVID-19 and researchers found antibody levels in the blood indicating that they had been infected with SARS-CoV-2, yet none of the children were hospitalized.

“We saw that the children stayed healthy through this study period, and that was quite incredible to us because it was during the pandemic,” says Dr. Siu. “When these children had influenza, rhinovirus, RSV or any of those common viral illnesses, they have historically been hospitalized in the intensive care unit and needed to be ventilated, and some of them have died. We felt that for these children to stay healthy through COVID was really quite remarkable.”

With the study apparently showing the benefit of histidine supplementation in these children, management of HARS syndrome has already changed. The children are continuing to receive daily histidine supplementation and, when they are hospitalized with illness, they receive extra histidine and anti-inflammatory drugs and reduced fluids, all of which seem to reduce the risk of ARDS.

“Most clinical trials have big sponsors, and there’s really no place for a small trial like this. We also had additional costs for transportation and medical appointments because of the nature of working with this community,” says Dr. Siu. “The funding from PSI was very important and much appreciated as it  allowed us to do work that will make a difference for these children.”

Dr. Tea Rosic: 2023 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship Recipient

 “As a Child Psychiatrist, I see firsthand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth mental health and the gaps that currently exist in mental health service delivery. Youth experience the highest rates of co-occurring substance health and mental health problems (“concurrent disorders”) compared to other age groups, yet many do not receive the integrated services they need. Through knowledge mobilization and capacity-building, my program of research aims to bridge these gaps. I will work with community organizations in Eastern Ontario to identify needs and disseminate knowledge to improve concurrent disorders care, develop an integrated substance health and mental health program at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, and lead and contribute to national standards implementation for paediatric concurrent disorders. Most importantly, my time will be spent mobilizing and translating research evidence, moving knowledge into our daily practice to improve health outcomes for children and youth. I am delighted to receive this PSI Knowledge Translation Fellowship to start my early research career dedicated to improving services in child mental health.” – Dr. Tea Rosic

PSI Foundation is pleased to announce Dr. Tea Rosic as the recipient of the 2023 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship.

About Dr. Tea Rosic

Dr. Tea Rosic is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and Lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Ottawa. Her research examines the impact and management of co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders (concurrent disorders). She has published 30 peer-reviewed manuscripts (11 first-authored) since 2016 and given 16 oral presentations in national and international settings.

Dr. Rosic has won numerous awards for her research, including several best poster and best paper awards, and additionally won awards for her clinical work (2019 Outstanding Resident Award, Hamilton Health Sciences) and for student mentorship (2018 Resident Mentor Award, McMaster). At CHEO, she was ranked first in the Children’s Hospital Academic Medical Organization (CHAMO) Fellowship Competition in 2020.

Dr. Rosic completed her medical training and Psychiatry residency at McMaster University, followed by a fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Ottawa. She is in her final year of PhD training in Health Research Methodology and in the Clinician Investigator Program at McMaster.

About the PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

Knowledge translation research aims at transitioning research discoveries to the real world to improve health outcomes. The PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship – valued at $300,000 for over two or three years – helps protect a promising new clinician investigator’s research time, allowing the Fellow to undertake high-impact translational research in Ontario.

Fellowship Funds to be Used for Synthesis, Dissemination, and Application of Evidence to Improve the Care of Youth with Concurrent Disorders

This Fellowship will allow Dr. Rosic, a Child Psychiatrist and researcher, to synthesize, disseminate and apply evidence to improve the care of youth who have both substance use and other mental health disorders.

Compared to other age groups, youth have the highest rates of co-occurring addiction and mental health problems, also known as “concurrent disorders.” Substance use is related to higher severity of other mental health symptoms and lower chances of receiving treatment. When concurrent disorders go untreated, youth are at risk of dropping out of school, having family conflicts, engaging in risky activities, and dying. There are gaps in our healthcare services in Ontario and in Canada that can be addressed through knowledge translation and capacity-building.

Dr. Rosic will work to mobilize knowledge and build capacity for assessment and treatment of youth concurrent disorders within Eastern Ontario and beyond. Her research program includes working with community organizations to identify needs and disseminate knowledge, developing a specialized child concurrent disorders program at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, and leading and contributing to guideline development and national standards implementation for concurrent disorders care.

Dr. Krishan Yadav: 2023 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship Recipient

“Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) are one of the top 10 reasons to visit a Canadian emergency department. Despite being so common, care is not standardized which has resulted in high treatment failure rates, overuse of intravenous antibiotics and unnecessary hospitalization. As a PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellow, I will be afforded the critical support necessary to use multimethod, multidisciplinary approaches to develop and implement a best practices checklist for the diagnosis and management of SSTIs in the emergency department setting. This will standardize management of these common infections with the potential to reduce treatment failure, intravenous antibiotic use, and hospitalization. With support from the PSI Foundation, Ontario will be positioned as a leader in improving the care of Canadians with SSTIs.” – Dr. Krishan Yadav

PSI Foundation is pleased to announce Dr. Krishan Yadav as the recipient of the 2023 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship.

About Dr. Krishan Yadav

Dr. Krishan Yadav is an Associate Scientist at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute with a focused area of expertise in the management of skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs; cellulitis; abscess) in the emergency department. He is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Ottawa. His research has been recognized nationally twice (in 2018 and 2022) with the Top New Investigator Abstract Award at the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Annual Meeting. In 2020, he received the Junior Clinical Research Chair in Skin and Soft Tissue Infections at the University of Ottawa. To date, he has 52 publications in peer reviewed journals (12 as first author, 5 as senior author) and has 35 published abstracts at conference proceedings.

About the PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

Knowledge translation research aims at transitioning research discoveries to the real world to improve health outcomes. The PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship – valued at $300,000 for over two or three years – helps protect a promising new clinician investigator’s research time, allowing the Fellow to undertake high-impact translational research in Ontario.

Fellowship Funds to be Used for Development and Implementation of a Best Practices Checklist for Emergency Department Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections

Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) are bacterial infections affecting the skin and underlying tissues. SSTIs are one of the top 10 most common reasons to visit an emergency department in Canada. Patients with SSTIs have pain, redness and swelling (i.e., cellulitis) or boggy painful red skin due to underlying pus (i.e., abscess). For abscesses, the treatment is a bedside surgical drainage procedure, and some patients are prescribed antibiotics. For cellulitis, patients are treated with antibiotics.

The current treatment of SSTIs in emergency departments is not standardized and up to 20% fail treatment. Existing guidelines are not designed for use in the emergency department setting. Dr. Yadav’s overall goal is to design and implement an evidence-based, user-friendly best practices checklist for diagnosis and management of SSTIs in the emergency department. He will use robust KT approaches to: (1) Create a best practices checklist with engagement of key stakeholders; (2) Assess barriers and facilitators to checklist use in the emergency department; and (3) Conduct a pilot implementation trial in three Ontario emergency departments. This work has the potential to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs by standardizing care and reducing unnecessary intravenous antibiotic use, minimizing treatment failures, and lowering hospitalization.

Dr. Daniel McIsaac: 2023 PSI Mid-Career Knowledge Translation Fellowship Recipient

“As an anesthesiologist, I care for hundreds of patients preparing for, having, and recovering from surgery each year. While most benefit from their operation, many experience complications and struggle to recover their strength and function after surgery. Prehabilitation is an approach where we use the wait time before surgery to a patient’s advantage. We support them in completing evidence-based exercises, help to improve their nutrition and manage the stress of preparing for a major operation. The idea is that because they go to the operating room in better health, they are less likely to experience a complication and will have better recovery after surgery. With the support of the PSI Mid-Career Knowledge Translation Fellowship, I will be able to work with my team, our patient partners, and collaborators to understand the most effective approaches to prehabilitation, and how to implement prehabilitation into routine care to the benefit of the hundreds of thousands of Ontarians who need surgery each year.” – Dr. Daniel McIsaac

PSI Foundation is pleased to announce Dr. Daniel McIsaac as the recipient of the 2023 PSI Mid-Career Knowledge Translation Fellowship.

About Dr. Daniel McIsaac

Dr. Daniel McIsaac is an Associate Professor and Anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at the University of Ottawa. He is also a Scientist at the Clinical Epidemiology Program of Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, and an Adjunct Scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES). To date, Dr. McIsaac has published more than 160 peer-reviewed papers and secured over $10 million in peer-reviewed research funding. He currently holds six Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) grants as principal applicant, four of which focus on prehabilitation.

Dr. Daniel McIsaac’s Research Program

More than 300,000 Ontarians have major surgery each year. These patients, their physicians, and health system leaders have made it clear that they desire access to effective prehabilitation so that Ontarians who need surgery can improve their health before their operation to avoid complications and enhance recovery after surgery. Dr. McIsaac’s research aims to implement routine prehabilitation, an approach that supports and motivates patients in exercising and improving their nutrition in preparation for surgery, in Ontario’s healthcare system. Working with his team, patient partners, and collaborators, Dr. McIsaac’s program focuses on developing practical and effective prehabilitation programs and evaluating them in real-world settings. His overarching objective is to translate the findings of these real-world experiments into routine care to the benefit of surgical patients in Ontario.

About the PSI Mid-Career Knowledge Translation Fellowship

The PSI Mid-Career Knowledge Translation Fellowship is intended to provide salary support for a mid-career clinician investigator in Ontario, who has demonstrated the ability to successfully complete high impact knowledge translation research. The total amount of the award is $400,000 over two or three years, with the sponsoring institution providing matching funding, contributing to 50% of the total award.

PSI acknowledges that mid-career can be a challenging time for physician researchers. During this phase, there are often additional academic roles and responsibilities including committee work, leadership positions, and mentoring of junior investigators, while clinical work continues. PSI recognizes the importance in supporting this phase of an investigator’s trajectory.

Fellowship Funds to be Used for Translating Prehabilitation Evidence into Practice to Improve Surgical Recovery in Ontario

In Ontario, more than 300,000 people have major surgery each year, such as joint replacement, heart bypass, or cancer operations. While more than 98 of every 100 patients survive their operation, recovery after surgery can be very difficult. This is because major complications such as bleeding, infections, heart attacks, weakness and/or loss of one’s ability to complete day-to-day activities happen to about 1 in 5 people who have surgery.

Prehabilitation means doing exercise, improving diet, and receiving structured motivational care before surgery to improve a person’s recovery after surgery. Patients in Ontario and across the world are keen to have access to prehabilitation, as it makes sense that this approach would lead to better recovery after surgery.

Unfortunately, the science supporting prehabilitation’s impact is still at an early stage. For Ontarians to benefit from prehabilitation, patients, clinicians, and scientists must work in partnership to understand what types of prehabilitation work best, test strategies to deliver prehabilitation across the province, and develop plans to move prehabilitation into day-to-day care for all Ontario surgical patients. Dr. McIsaac proposes to lead such work, building on partnerships and expertise already in place to deliver effective prehabilitation to Ontarians.

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