Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): PSI Mid-Career Knowledge Translation (KT) Fellowship

In March, PSI announced a new funding opportunity: the 2023 PSI Mid-Career Knowledge Translation (KT) Fellowship. Through this award, we aim to provide salary support for a mid-career physician researcher in Ontario to conduct high-impact knowledge translation research with a goal of improving the health of Ontarians.

In this article, we cover the most frequently asked questions that we have been receiving to clarify our application requirements and award expectations. We hope you find this article helpful in determining whether this award is suitable for you. We will continue to update this article frequently as we receive new inquiries, until the Letter of Intent (LOI) submission deadline of June 1st, 2022 at 5pm EST. We encourage you to revisit this page to help you until you prepare your application and submit your LOI.

If your question is not answered here, or if you have further questions, please get in touch with us; we are more than happy to assist you.

FAQs for the 2023 PSI Mid-Career KT Fellowship

About the Award:

Is this a one-time funding opportunity? Will PSI have this funding opportunity again next year?

The PSI Grants Committee will review this topic of whether PSI should continue this funding stream and hold annual competitions.

What is the success rate of this funding stream?

Since this is PSI’s first time launching this award, we do not have data for approval ratio.

Application Process:

Can you clarify the application process, including the different stages and timeline?

Below is an outline of the different stages and timeline of this competition:

PSI Mid-Career KT Fellowship – Application Process

Submission of Letter of Intent (LOI)

  • The submission deadline is June 1st, 2022 at 5pm EST.
  • LOI must be submitted via PSI Grants Management System at Emailed applications will not be accepted.

Initial screening of LOI

  • PSI staff will screen all submitted LOI for eligibility and completeness.

(if needed) Revision of LOI by candidate

  • If your LOI needs revision or clarification, then PSI staff will contact you via email.

PSI Grants Sub-Committee Review of LOI

  • PSI Grants Sub-Committee will review each LOI submitted at their meeting in July/August 2022.

LOI decisions sent

  • Decision on whether you are invited to proceed to the next stage will be sent via email in August 2022.

(If LOI approved) Full application submission

  • If you are invited to submit a full application, then you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the online application form.
  • Full applications must be submitted via PSI Grants Management System at by November 4th, 2022 at 5pm EST.

Initial screening of full application

  • PSI staff will screen all full submitted applications for eligibility and completeness.

(If needed) Revision of full application by candidate

  • If your application needs revision or clarification, then PSI will contact you via email.

PSI Grants Committee review of full applications

  • The full PSI Grants Committee will review each full application submitted at their meeting in December 2022.

Final funding decisions sent

  • Final funding decisions will be sent within 10 business days from the December 2022 PSI Grants Committee meeting.

Is there a limit to the number of applications that can be submitted per institution or faculty/department?

There is no limit to the number of applications that can come from a specific institution or faculty department.

I currently hold/am applying for a PSI operating grant (e.g. Health Research grant). Can I still apply?

PSI allows principal investigators (PI) to concurrently hold one PSI operating grant and one PSI salary support award. Hence, you are welcome to apply.

How many candidates will PSI invite to submit a full application? How many awards will be given out?

PSI does not have a pre-determined number of candidates that we will invite for full application submission. The number of candidates to move on to the next process, as well as the number of awards given out depends on the PSI Grants Committee’s review of the quality of the applications received and their fit with PSI’s mandate.

Eligibility of Candidate:

Are leaves of absence (e.g. maternity leave) taken into account when counting the number of years since the first academic appointment?

Yes, PSI will take into account any leaves of absence when determining the number of years since the candidate’s first academic appointment.

I obtained an MD but I do not practice clinically. Can I apply?

Unfortunately, in addition to being within 5 to 15 years of your first academic appointment, you must also be a CPSO-licensed practising physician in Ontario. PSI must be able to confirm your CPSO license at CPSO – Find a Doctor.

Eligibility of Proposal:

My research involves cancer patients, but the research itself is not about cancer. Can I apply?

As outlined in the funding guidelines, PSI will not accept applications involving research in the areas of cancer, heart and stroke, and pharmaceutical drug development studies.

If you are not sure whether your research falls under PSI’s areas of non-support, then please email us with a brief summary of your research prior to submitting an application so that we can assess whether you are eligible for funding.

What if my research involves sites outside of Ontario? Can I still apply?

While we will accept applications with research involving some sites outside of Ontario, since PSI’s mission is to “improve the health of Ontarians”, the majority of your research should be conducted in Ontario. Your application should demonstrate the relevance of your knowledge translation research to the health of Ontarians. The PSI Grants Committee will review each application and its alignment with PSI’s mandate.

Application Policy/Requirements:

Do I need to obtain matching funding and submit a letter of confirmation in the Letter of Intent (LOI)?

You do not need to provide confirmation of matching funding at the LOI stage. If you are invited to proceed to the next stage, then matching funding should be confirmed in the full application, within the letter of support from the sponsoring institution.

Can my matching funding come be in the form of in-kind support or from other grants from external funding agencies?

Matching funds may not be an in-kind support from the institution nor come from another salary support fellowship/award, operating grant, nor project specific funding.

What if I can’t obtain matching funding?

A lesser amount in matching funding is admissible with explanation from the applicant and institution.

If a sponsoring institution is unable to provide matching funds, then the candidate may obtain matching funds from another source. In this case, please provide an explanation.

Application Content:

What are the formatting requirements for the documents to be uploaded?

PSI prefers all uploaded documents to have 0.5 to 1-inch margins, single spaced, and 12-point font size in a legible font.

For LOI, can I add references to the documents to be added?

You may add an additional page of references to any documents uploaded in your LOI.

Am I required to submit any letters of support or letters of references with my LOI?

At the LOI stage, you are not required to submit any letters.


If I am awarded, what are my requirements as a PSI Mid-Career KT Fellow?

The funding recipient guidelines for the PSI Mid-Career KT Fellowship is available for download at Grant Recipient Guidelines – PSI Foundation. This document outlines what is required as a PSI Mid-Career KT Fellow.

Dr. Brad Petrisor and Dr. Sheila Sprague: International study builds understanding of orthopedic patients experiencing intimate partner violence

Screening women for intimate partner violence (IPV), which includes physical, sexual, and emotional violence, may not seem to fall under the scope of an orthopedic or fracture clinic. But orthopedic surgeons and researchers who recently led an international study on IPV prevalence among orthopedic patients explain that the fracture clinic can actually be a good setting to address this issue.

“In the fracture clinic, you often see patients with injuries frequently during the first few weeks to months. Follow-up often continues for months and sometimes longer,” says Dr. Brad Petrisor, an orthopedic surgeon and professor at McMaster’s Department of Surgery. “You get multiple snapshots over the course of the year after their injury, so this is a major opportunity to ask about and understand intimate partner violence in people’s lives.”

Dr. Petrisor, Dr. Sheila Sprague, Associate Professor in the Department of Surgery, Dr. Kim Madden, Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery, Dr. Mohit Bhandari, Chair of the Department of Surgery, along with a large multi-disciplinary team, are leading a research program that is generating more awareness of IPV among orthopedic specialists and equipping them to address it with their patients.

As part of her PhD thesis, Dr. Sprague led one of the early studies of IPV among orthopedic patients, the PRAISE (Prevalence of abuse and intimate partner violence surgical evaluation) study. The research team examined the prevalence of IPV among 3,000 women attending orthopedic fracture clinics in Canada, the US, the Netherlands, Denmark and India. They found that one in six women had experienced IPV in the year before the injury, and one in three had experienced IPV in their lifetime. The study was published in The Lancet in 2013.

In 2015, Dr. Petrisor and Dr. Sprague received funding from PSI Foundation to expand on those results with the PRAISE-2 study, which examined reporting rates of IPV among orthopedic patients during the first year following the injury and how IPV affects outcomes such as return to function, complications from the injury and health-related quality of life.

The team assessed IPV disclosures and clinical outcomes of 250 women from Canada, the Netherlands, Spain and Finland at the first visit to the orthopedic fracture clinic and at one, three, six and 12 months after the first visit.
They found that 33% of the patients disclosed IPV during their first visit, and an additional 12.4% who did not disclose IPV at the first visit did disclose IPV at some point during the 12-month follow up.

The team also found that women who disclosed IPV were slower to return to their pre-injury level of function, experienced more complications from their injury and had lower health-related quality of life during the follow-up period. The results were published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, the field’s most prestigious journal.

“These kinds of statistics can help inform education so that surgeons know to ask about IPV, not just once but at each visit, because you could be missing a significant number of people who could be helped,” says Dr. Sprague. “And knowing that patients who experience IPV have a more difficult recovery is helpful so that the surgeon can intervene earlier with referrals to appropriate services.”

The research team’s work over the last decade has helped to change the perspective of orthopedic specialists from viewing IPV as outside their scope of practice to feeling better equipped to help patients experiencing IPV. They have published papers in top journals and delivered presentations at major orthopedic trauma meetings, and their work has led to positional statements by the Canadian Orthopedic Association recognizing IPV as a significant determinant of morbidity and mortality.

Importantly, Dr. Sprague, Dr. Bhandari, and their colleagues have used the results from the research program to develop a program called EDUCATE, an open access website for orthopedic surgeons and fracture clinic staff that provides knowledge and skills to assist women who are victims of IPV. By the end of 2021, the EDUCATE program had trained more than 150 health care professionals, and they hope to eventually broaden the program to include more health care fields.

“It teaches them how to optimize their fracture clinic and how to ask about IPV. And it also describes the resources that are available and referrals that health care providers can give,” says Dr. Sprague.

As a practising surgeon, Dr. Petrisor says that the research program has changed his own approach with patients.

“When we started this program of research, there was a lot of discomfort among orthopedic surgeons: how do you ask people about IPV, how can the environment in the fracture clinic be conducive to asking about it, and if a patient discloses, what do I do about it?” says Dr. Petrisor. “Knowing that more than one third of women in the clinic disclose IPV has definitely changed my approach in how I interact with patients. In the same way we ask about smoking, alcohol or drugs without judgment, we can ask about IPV and know what to do after a disclosure.”

Dr. Kamila Premji: Health Policy Research Aims to Improve Access to Primary Care

“It can be hard for physicians who practice in the community to get research off the ground because they don’t have access to traditional funding streams… I look at the community setting as a real-life lab for doing research, and it’s so beneficial to have funding from PSI that supports physicians in this setting.” – Dr. Kamila Premji

Dr. Kamila Premji, a family physician practising in Ottawa, has been interested in research throughout medical school and residency—with a particular interest in health care policy and access to primary care. Now a PhD candidate in Family Medicine at Western University, she has had the opportunity during her training to lead research that has provided important information about challenges with Ontario’s current system of physician compensation.

“I have been able to use my clinical practice experience in the community, see what my patients were struggling with and look for answers to those problems,” she says. “Research was such a natural path to explore those interests and make a difference in health care policy to help improve access to care.”

Dr. Premji had been working at her community practice for a few years when she decided to pursue a master’s degree, which would give her the skills to undertake more rigorous research, and soon transitioned into the PhD stream.

Early in her graduate training, Dr. Premji was part of a team led by Dr. Richard Glazier that examined whether the physician access bonus led to better patient care.

Ontario introduced the access bonus in 2004 as part of several pay-for-performance incentives in primary care. The access bonus is meant to reward family physicians who organize their practices to be more accessible by providing higher bonuses to physicians whose patients seek less external care, such as walk-in or after-hours clinics. Emergency department visits and specialists are not counted as external care.

However, the access bonus has been a controversial incentive, particularly because patients in urban and rural communities have different access to external health care services. With patients in rural communities often relying on emergency departments, it results in bonuses that may not accurately reflect whether physicians are making their practices more accessible.

“The access bonus creates all kinds of unintended consequences for the way services are delivered, and it can even impact the patient-physician relationship at times,” she says. “It’s such a big part of the dominant payment model in Ontario, so it seemed like something that warranted further exploration.”

In 2019, the team including Dr. Premji published a study that linked administrative data about patients’ health care use with their physicians’ access bonuses. The study found that physicians who earned the highest access bonuses were more likely to practice in rural or small urban areas and have higher proportions of patients with less complex health care needs; but these physicians did not necessarily offer more after-hours care, and their patients had higher rates of emergency room use.

PSI Research Trainee Award project suggests access bonus is not working as intended

Dr. Premji wanted to examine the results in the urban setting more closely, as well as consider a different measure of patient access. With a PSI Research Trainee Award, Dr. Premji and the team examined the access bonus for physicians in large, medium and small urban centres from the perspective of whether it improved patients’ experiences and perceptions of access.

“This is such an important part of understanding what the access bonus payment does from a patient perspective,” she says. “From their perspective, are patients experiencing a better level of service and access with this bonus? Is the bonus doing what it is meant to do?”

The team used data from the Health Care Experiences Survey, a patient experience survey conducted quarterly and funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health, and health administrative data from ICES. They were able to link patients with their physicians and family health teams and find associations between patient perceptions of access and their physicians’ bonuses.

The team found that in large and medium urban centres, where walk-in clinics and after-hours care are easily accessed, patient-reported experiences of access were positively associated with their physician’s access bonus. But this association did not hold in small urban centres, and as in the previous study, higher bonuses did not actually mean that patients experienced better access to their physicians.

“In large and medium urban centres, the higher the bonus, the more satisfied patients were with their access, which suggests that the bonus may be motivating physicians and clinics to organize their services in a way that improves the patient’s experience of access,” she says. “But the availability of resources and patients’ choices are still driving the bonus and having more of an impact, and these are out of physicians’ control.”

The results of both studies suggest that the access bonus is not necessarily doing what it is meant to do and may need to be redesigned to account for the differences in geography and patient experience. The results were published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in November 2021 and have been presented to stakeholders including the Ontario Medical Association and the Ontario Ministry of Health.

The PSI Research Trainee Award concluded in 2020, but Dr. Premji is continuing research in primary care access while she finishes her PhD and cares for her patients.

“I find myself more alert to what my patients are experiencing that could be answered through policy solutions and through research. These areas fuel each other,” she says. “My clinical care fuels my curiosity, and my interest in research leads me to do these projects that then may have an impact on my patients.”

New PSI Funding Opportunity: 2023 PSI Research Trainee Award

PSI Launches the 2023 PSI Research Trainee Award

PSI Foundation is excited to announce the launch of the 2023 PSI Research Trainee Award. The primary aim of this award is to provide highly qualified candidates with clinically applicable research training opportunities and support.

Please note: this funding opportunity is not an additional PSI operating grant. Research training must be the fundamental purpose of this award and must be demonstrated in the application.

Eligibility of Candidate

The candidate for the award must be:

  • An M.D. licensed by College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) in a Ph.D or MSc. program at an Ontario university


  • A trainee in a combined M.D./Ph.D or MSc. program at an Ontario university


  • A trainee in the Clinician Investigator Program (CIP) at an Ontario university

Amount and Duration of Funding

A maximum of $25,000 per year for two (2) years is available from PSI.

Please note: sponsoring institutions are required to co-fund 50% of the amount requested from PSI. For example, if the fellow requests $20,000 per year from PSI, then the sponsoring institution must provide $10,000 per year.

Important Information in Funding Guidelines

The Funding Guidelines contain important information regarding the award. Please review this document before applying.

How to Apply

Similar to previous years, each of Ontario’s six medical universities may submit up to two candidates; therefore, all applications must be submitted through the medical university. The deadline for medical universities to submit their applications to PSI is July 25th, 2022 at 5pm EST.

Please contact the medical university research office regarding internal application process/deadlines. Medical universities must submit their applications to PSI via PSI online grants management system. Please see Tips & Resources – PSI Foundation for instruction manual on how to navigate the system.

New PSI Funding Opportunity: 2023 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation (KT) Fellowship

PSI Launches the 2023 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

PSI Foundation is very pleased to launch the 2023 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship. This Fellowship is intended to provide salary support for a new investigator who has demonstrated the ability to successfully complete high impact knowledge translation research. The Fellowship funds, dedicated to salary support, must protect at least 50% of the Fellow’s time to conduct such research. Please note: Knowledge translation must be the fundamental purpose of this Fellowship and must be demonstrated in the application.

Amount and Duration of Funding

This program offers two options for a funding timeline for salary support: A maximum of $150,000 per year for two years; OR a maximum of $100,000 per year for three years.

Please note: the award is intended to protect at least 50% of the fellow’s time to undertake research, regardless of whether the award is taken over two or three years.

Eligibility of Candidate

For the 2023 competition, PSI has set the eligibility criteria for candidates as follows:

The candidate for the Fellowship must be either:

  • Within five (5) years of their first academic appointment and have demonstrated potential for high impact research work
  • Dedicating at least 50% of a full-time schedule to the Fellowship
  • A practising physician with a College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) licensed M.D. having direct patient care responsibilities and an academic appointment, thus eligible to apply for their own research grants as an independent investigator.


  • A clinical fellow in Ontario who is a practising physician having direct patient care responsibilities, with a supervisor who has an academic appointment and that can provide the necessary research supervision and infrastructure (including administering the grant at the sponsoring institution). A letter of support from this supervisor must be included in the application.

Important Information in Funding Guidelines

The Funding Guidelines contain important information regarding the award, including PSI’s definition of knowledge translation, sponsoring institution requirements, and funding criteria. Please review this document before applying.

How to Apply

Similar to the previous competition, PSI is launching this competition through a Letter of Intent (LOI) process. Please note that for this competition, applicants are required to submit their applications directly to PSI, not through the institution.

We require all applicants to submit the completed LOI directly to PSI via the PSI Online Grants Management System ( by June 3rd, 2022 5pm EST. LOIs will be reviewed by the PSI Grants Committee in July/August 2022.

PSI will invite successful applicants to submit full applications by November 4th, 2022 5pm EST, which will undergo internal review for a final funding decision in December 2022.


Please contact the PSI Office to discuss any questions you may have about submitting an application for funding.

New PSI Funding Opportunity: 2023 PSI Mid-Career Knowledge Translation (KT) Fellowship

PSI acknowledges that mid-career can be a challenging time for physician researchers. During this phase, there are often additional academic roles and responsibilities including committee work, leadership positions, and mentoring of junior investigators, while clinical work continues. PSI recognizes the importance in supporting this phase of an investigator’s trajectory.

PSI Foundation is very pleased to announce a new funding opportunity: 2023 PSI Mid-Career Knowledge Translation (KT) Fellowship. This Fellowship is intended to provide salary support for a mid-career physician researcher in Ontario who has demonstrated the ability to successfully complete high-impact knowledge translation research. The Fellowship funds, dedicated to salary support, must protect at least 50% of the Fellow’s time to conduct such research.

Amount and Duration of Funding

Total Support

This program offers two options for a funding timeline for salary support:

A maximum of $400,000 over two years;


A maximum of $400,000 over three years.

The award is intended to protect at least 50% of the fellow’s time to undertake research, regardless of whether the award is taken over two or three years.

Matching Funding Requirements

The sponsoring institution is required to fund 50% of the total award.

For example, if the fellow requests a total support of $400,000 over two years, then PSI will fund $200,000 over two years ($100,000 per year) and the institution is required to co-fund $200,000 over two years ($100,000 per year).


For this competition, the candidate for the Fellowship must be:

  • A practicing physician in Ontario with a College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario licensed M.D. having direct patient care responsibilities and an academic appointment, thus eligible to apply for their own research grants as an independent investigator
  • Within five (5) to fifteen (15) years of their first academic appointment and have demonstrated potential for high impact research work
  • Dedicating at least 50% of a full-time schedule to the Fellowship

Important Information in Funding Guidelines

The Funding Guidelines contain important information regarding the award, including PSI’s definition of knowledge translation, matching funding requirements, and funding criteria. Please review this document before applying.

Please note: Knowledge translation must be the fundamental purpose of this Fellowship and must be demonstrated in the application. This is funding opportunity is not an additional PSI operating grant.

How to Apply

PSI is launching this competition through a Letter of Intent (LOI) process. Applicants are required to submit their applications directly to PSI.

We require all applicants to submit the completed LOI directly to PSI via the PSI Online Grants Management System by June 1st, 2022 at 5pm EST. LOIs will be reviewed by the PSI Grants Committee in July 2022.

PSI will invite successful applicants to submit full applications, which will undergo internal review for a final funding decision in December 2022.


Please contact the PSI Office to discuss any questions you may have about submitting an application for funding.

Dr. Amanda Mayo and Dr. Sander Hitzig – Largest Canadian Study of its kind Highlights Isolation and Loneliness After Dysvascular Amputation

“Historically this population has been underfunded, so it’s really important that PSI has funded dysvascular amputee research. We were happy to get this PSI grant, and it really built the confidence of the researchers in Ontario so that now we can work together and do bigger things.” – Dr. Amanda Mayo, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

“We’re very grateful to PSI for funding this work because it really lit a spark and galvanized our research community, and it will ultimately improve the quality of life for the limb loss community.” – Dr. Sander Hitzig, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

A PSI Foundation–funded grant to examine the health and quality of life of people with dysvascular limb loss has not only provided important insights into this understudied population but has also helped to develop the limb loss research field in Canada.

“Our overarching goal of is to develop collaborative research so that our patients do better, but to do this, we need to know how they’re doing and the resources they lack,” says Dr. Amanda Mayo, a physiatrist at St. John’s Rehab at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre who specializes in amputee rehabilitation. “This funding has allowed us to build a more cohesive and collaborative research program, but also work toward the greater aim of improving clinical outcomes for this patient population.”

Each year, approximately 1,500 people in Ontario have a major lower limb amputation due to dysvascular causes such as peripheral vascular disease or diabetes, making it the most common cause of lower limb loss in Canada. And the problem is expected to grow as the incidence of diabetes increases.

While any type of amputation can be traumatic, people with dysvascular limb loss face different challenges than those who lose limbs due to other causes, such as accidents.

“They’re a very vulnerable and frail population. They are usually older and tend to have a high number of comorbidities leading up to their amputation, in particular heart disease, arthritis and neuropathy,” says Dr. Amanda Mayo. “After the amputation, they’re at greater risk of complications, falls, depression and not being able to get back to community living.”

In 2018, Dr. Mayo and her co-principal investigator, Dr. Sander Hitzig, a scientist focused on aging and disability also based at St. John’s Rehab, received a PSI Foundation Clinical Research Grant to examine the health and quality of life outcomes of people with dysvascular limb loss – the largest study of its kind in Canada.

Study finds that physical and mental health decline post-amputation

In the study, the research team interviewed more than 230 people with limb loss about their physical and mental health, mobility, social connections and quality of life after amputation. They also interviewed 35 people from this group in more depth about their experiences of living in the community after amputation.

The study results showed some troubling trends. The people they interviewed experienced poor physical health, with an average of five comorbidities, most commonly diabetes, pain and high blood pressure. After amputation, mental health also tended to decline, and many people became more isolated; about one-third of interviewees expressed that they were lonely.

But the study also identified factors that could help people to cope better after limb loss; less impactful morbidities, a higher sense of self-confidence, and strong levels of social support were associated with better physical or mental health.

The interviews were done before the COVID-19 pandemic, but anecdotally it is likely that the pandemic has hit this population particularly hard.

“I think the pandemic has magnified how significant being socially isolated can be for anyone, and this was an isolated population before the pandemic,” says Dr. Hitzig. “We don’t have data about this yet, but they may have become more isolated and disconnected due to many of them being immunocompromised, and their physical health may have declined because of clinics being closed, not being able to get to the hospital, or surgeries being delayed.”

Results will help inform supports for vulnerable group

In addition to the interviews, Dr. Mayo and Dr. Hitzig analyzed data from a large cohort of Ontarians with lower limb amputations to understand their health care usage and the economic cost of dysvascular amputation. While this part of the project is not yet complete, early results suggest that people with limb loss are very high users of the health care system, visiting family physicians, specialists and emergency departments multiple times in the year following their amputation.

In fact, approximately 30% of people with dysvascular limb loss are admitted to long-term care and 30% die within two years of their amputation.

“These people are having significant health issues. We try to help them recover as best as possible through rehab, but many continue to decline,” says Dr. Hitzig. “There is a negative impact on the person and their family members, but there is also a health care system cost that we’re now hopefully starting to better understand.”

With a better understanding of the quality of life for people with dysvascular lower limb loss and the related social and economic costs, Dr. Mayo and Dr. Hitzig hope that the results from this project and their larger research program can be used to screen people who may be at greater risk of social isolation, as well as develop or connect people with programs to support their physical and mental health after an amputation.

“Predicting which patients are most at risk of isolation or not successfully integrating into the community would allow us to do more targeted rehab or pre-operative care,” says Dr. Mayo. “Looking at the data from this project, we see many opportunities for future collaborative research and ways to use the results to improve quality of life.”

Five Clinician Researchers Awarded: 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

Knowledge translation research aims at transitioning research discoveries to the real world to improve health outcomes. The PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship – valued at $300,000 for over two or three years – helps protect a promising clinician’s research time, allowing the Fellow to undertake high-impact translational research in Ontario.

5 Clinician Researchers Awarded with the 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

PSI Foundation is pleased to name five clinician researchers as the 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship recipients:

Dr. Imaan Bayoumi – Queen’s University (Recipient Biography)

Dr. Andrea Gershon – Sunnybrook Research Institute (Recipient Biography)

Dr. Shawn Mondoux – McMaster University (Recipient Biography)

Dr. Brodie Nolan – St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto (Recipient Biography)

Dr. Derek Roberts – University of Ottawa (Recipient Biography)

Please visit their recipient biographies for more information on each of these Fellows and how they will be using PSI funds to conduct high-impact knowledge translation research. We thank all stakeholders for supporting PSI with the 2022 competition.

About the 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship Competition

In May 2021, PSI launched the 2022 competition through a Letter of Intent (LOI) process. This was PSI’s first time launching this award through such process, which opened up the competition to more stakeholders by allowing candidates to directly apply to PSI.

The LOIs were reviewed by an internal sub-committee in late August 2021; successful applicants were invited to submit their full applications to PSI. Full applications were reviewed by the PSI Grants Committee in early December 2021.

The Committee approved $1.5 million in new funding for the 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Fellowship. Samuel Moore, Executive Director of PSI Foundation, comments: “This investment of $1.5 million in five Ontario clinician-researchers represents PSI’s largest commitment to any new program in decades. This is the largest amount that PSI has ever funded for this award in a single competition.”

One of the major enhancements made to this award for this competition was the stronger emphasis on knowledge translation. Throughout announcements, guidelines, and application forms for this award, PSI had repeatedly stated that knowledge translation must be the fundamental purpose of this Fellowship and must be demonstrated in the application.

PSI Foundation’s Commitment to Funding Knowledge Translation Research

Since the launch of this award in 2012, PSI invested $5.7 million in funding the PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship. Together with other awards including the 2020 Mental Health Knowledge Translation Fellowship, PSI has invested a total of $6.3 million in knowledge translation research, providing salary support and protecting the research time of 21 clinician researchers in Ontario.

This funding portfolio demonstrates PSI’s strong commitment to support the physician of Ontario to advance translational research in Ontario.

“I am so proud of PSI’s commitment to knowledge translation by supporting the research programs of physicians in Ontario,” says Samuel Moore. “I look forward to seeing the tremendous impact these clinician-researchers make on the health care system and for all of us through their research.”

PSI has funded research in many surgical and medical areas resulting in changes to clinical bedside practice. PSI’s investment in knowledge translation research is one of the pillars in achieving its mission of improving the health of all Ontarians.

Dr. Derek Roberts – 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

“Being awarded the PSI Fellowship will allow me to spend more time to build my research program on improving the quality of healthcare for the millions of Canadians with peripheral artery disease. As a new investigator, it would jump start my career by giving me the time to focus on completing some early, high-impact, and potentially practice-changing work related to this goal. It would therefore catalyze my transition from being a trained surgeon and researcher into an independent surgeon-scientist who hopes to help transform peripheral artery disease care in Canada and internationally.

Approximately 10% of Canadians have peripheral artery disease (hardening, narrowing, and occlusion of the leg arteries). People with peripheral artery disease have a high risk of lower limb amputation, heart attack, stroke, and death. Clinical practice guidelines strongly recommend providing certain blood thinner, cholesterol reducing, and blood pressure lowering medications to people with peripheral artery disease because these medications reduce the risk of these adverse outcomes. However, international studies have reported that these medications are often markedly underprescribed to people with peripheral artery disease.

As the 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson KT Fellow, I aim to conduct a multi-phased, mixed-methods study to: 1) understand gaps in the prescription of and adherence to guideline-recommended cardiovascular medications among Ontarians with peripheral artery disease; 2) identify factors that may influence the prescription of guideline-recommended medications to Ontarians with peripheral artery disease; and 3) develop a tailored and evidence-informed implementation intervention to improve medication prescription by doctors and nurses. Ultimately, this implementation intervention could then be used as a template for other provinces and countries interested in performing similar interventions. My research team and I believe these types of interventions will significantly improve the health outcomes of people with peripheral artery disease and reduce their overall health resource use.” – Dr. Derek Roberts

Dr. Derek Roberts Awarded: 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

PSI Foundation is delighted to announce Dr. Derek Roberts of University of Ottawa as the 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellow.

About Dr. Derek Roberts

Dr. Derek Roberts is a vascular and endovascular surgeon and new investigator based in the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at The Ottawa Hospital and University of Ottawa. He completed a pharmacy degree (and practiced as a pharmacist) and an MD with Distinction at Dalhousie University; a residency in general surgery, the Clinician-Investigator and Surgeon-Scientist Programs, and a PhD in epidemiology with a focus on KT at the University of Calgary; the KT Canada Strategic Training in Health Research (STIHR) fellowship; and a fellowship in vascular and endovascular surgery at the University of Ottawa. The KT Canada STIHR Fellowship provided Dr. Roberts with rigorous graduate training in the science and practice of KT and made him one of the first surgeons or surgical trainees to complete formal training in KT in Canada. This training included completion of a KT-related PhD thesis and attendance or completion of monthly KT Canada seminars, twice-monthly research operations seminars, the annual KT Canada Summer Institute (two consecutive summers), and KT-related graduate courses.

Dr. Roberts was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery on January 1st, 2021. He was then cross-appointed to the School of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Ottawa on September 1st, 2021 where he is approved to supervise MSc students and co-supervise PhD students. He currently spends 30% of his time conducting research (during which he has no clinical responsibilities) and 70% practicing vascular and endovascular surgery and providing direct patient care to patients with peripheral artery disease and other vascular surgical problems.

About Dr. Derek Roberts’ Research Program

The overarching objective of Dr. Roberts’ research program is to improve the quality of healthcare and outcomes for people with peripheral artery disease and several other vascular surgery problems. He began his career by using his research training to attempt to improve the perioperative outcomes of people with peripheral artery disease who require lower limb revascularization surgery. These surgeries are commonly-performed, high-risk, and costly procedures performed to improve quality of life and prevent leg amputation in people with peripheral artery disease. Dr. Roberts recently studied 20,988 patients who underwent lower limb revascularization surgery in Ontario. Study results were published in the prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ). Use of neuraxial instead of general anesthesia was associated with decreased mortality, health care costs, and length of hospital stay. He is now using an integrated KT approach to involve stakeholders across Canada in the design of a multicenter pilot and then Canada-wide randomized controlled trial to test whether use of neuraxial instead of general anesthesia may improve the outcomes of PAD patients undergoing lower limb revascularization surgery.

Dr. Roberts now seeks to use his training in pharmacy, epidemiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, and KT to understand and subsequently reduce gaps in the use of guideline-recommended medications for people with peripheral artery disease. He will be conducting these studies alongside colleagues in the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at the University of Ottawa, members of the Canadian Society for Vascular Surgery, and world experts in KT at the University of Ottawa, including members of the Centre for Implementation Research ( at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.

About the PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

Knowledge translation research aims at transitioning research discoveries to the real world to improve health outcomes. This prestigious fellowship – valued at $300,000 for over three years – helps protect a promising clinician’s research time, allowing the Fellow to undertake high-impact translational research.

Dr. Andrea Gershon – 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

“I am delighted to receive a PSI KT Fellowship that will support the cutting edge work we are doing to help patients and health care providers maintain and improve lung health. I am impressed by the PSI Foundations forward-thinking dedication to knowledge translation – not just research, as well as its commitment to innovation and new ideas.” – Dr. Andrea Gershon

Dr. Andrea Gershon Awarded: 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

PSI Foundation is delighted to announce Dr. Andrea Gershon of Sunnybrook Research Institute as the 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellow.

This Fellowship will allow Dr. Gershon to further advance her research and knowledge translation program, Canadian Best Respiratory Research Evaluation and Analyst Team of Health Experts (CanBREATHE), conducting research and translating it to improved care for people with respiratory disease in Canada. She leads a diverse team of more than 70 researchers, clinicians, patients and other stakeholders to conduct such research and knowledge translation. Importantly, she also works closely with government, health districts, hospitals, health care providers and patients to translate their findings to quality, equitable care to improve lung health for all.

About Dr. Andrea Gershon

Dr. Andrea Gershon is a Respirologist and Senior Scientist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto and ICES. She is a well published CIHR-funded researcher as well as the COPD Associate Editor of the high impact journal CHEST.

Dr. Gershon’s award winning research investigates health outcomes, health services, and drug safety and effectiveness in individuals with respiratory disease. Her research and knowledge translation program uses real world data from millions of people to learn about the experiences of people with lung disease with a focus on vulnerable groups, including the elderly, those of lower socioeconomic status, and aboriginal peoples.

Dr. Gershon has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles. She has been an invited speaker at international meetings, universities, and medical centres worldwide. Her work is used by government and non-profit organizations where it informs international guideline and policy documents.

Dr. Gershon works with junior faculty, postgraduate fellows, graduate candidates, and other students at all levels of training. She loves supporting these future leaders, researchers and clinicians who will be central to the discovery and use of health-related knowledge to keep people well.

About the PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

Knowledge translation research aims at transitioning research discoveries to the real world to improve health outcomes. This prestigious fellowship – valued at $300,000 for over three years – helps protect a promising clinician’s research time, allowing the Fellow to undertake high-impact translational research.

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