50 Years of PSI: Two Key PSI Programs Focus on Supporting Community-Based Physicians

The vast majority of health care research taking place in Canada is based at a limited number of large academic centres, even though most Canadians are cared for at community hospitals. Yet many community-based physicians are still interested in investigating specific questions related to their practice.

“You don’t have to practice medicine for very long to feel like it would be nice to be part of improving what we do rather just doing the same thing over and over again,” says Dr. Alexandra Binnie, an intensivist at William Osler Health Centre in Brampton. “And there are an impressive number of physicians who are willing to invest a lot of time doing it if they think it’s possible at their hospital.”

But these physicians often face several significant barriers in undertaking research, one of the biggest being financial. The research funding system in Canada makes it difficult for community physicians without an academic appointment to receive funding. PSI Foundation plays an important role in filling this niche with financial support for community physicians.

“PSI’s financial support of community research is both practical and symbolic,” says Dr. Binnie. “It places external value on that work, and it recognizes that people are doing very interesting things in community hospitals and they should be financially supported to do those things.”

This support mainly comes through the PSI Healthcare Research by Community Physicians grant, which supports community-based physicians to conduct research that reviews practice patterns and enhances their practice and improves patient care. The grant provides up to $250,000 for up to three years.

Dr. Binnie and co-principal investigator Dr. Jennifer Tsang, an intensivist at Niagara Health, recently received one of these grants to compare patient demographics and treatment approaches for COVID-19 at both academic centres and community hospitals. Because academic hospitals are typically in downtown urban locations, they may serve different a different patient population than community hospitals, and physicians at community hospitals may not apply results if they feel that studies don’t represent their patient population.

They will be using data from Critical Care Services Ontario about patients who were admitted to academic and community intensive care units with COVID-19 in 2020 to analyze whether there are significant differences in patient demographics and treatment approaches between the two types of centres. The COVID-19 pandemic presented an opportunity to study these differences with one disease.

Understanding any potential differences between academic and community hospitals will help researchers understand the current landscape and think about how studies are done moving forward. “There’s an argument that we can’t just confine research to a handful of hospitals that don’t represent the country and our patients as a whole,” says Dr. Binnie. “We need to expand our research footprint so that more physicians have access to research, and patients are better represented within these studies.”

Educational fellowships support specialized training for physicians in smaller communities

PSI also supports community-based physicians, especially those outside of major teaching centres, who want to undertake specialized training. The PSI Educational Fellowships covers the course fees and associated travel costs for training in a clinical skill that is lacking in the community.

Dr. Mike Ballantine is a physician based in Kincardine whose practice includes rural emergency medicine, primary care dermatology and occupational medicine. He has received two of these fellowships, in 2019 and 2020, which have provided financial support for specialized courses in occupational medicine through the University of Alberta.

Occupational health specialists are rare to begin with, even more so in the rural area where he practices. He was already working with suppliers to the region’s largest employer before taking the courses, providing pre-employment medical exams, injury management and medical guidance, but Dr. Ballantine says that the courses will provide him with specialized knowledge to improve his practice and network with other occupational medicine specialists. And the companies he works with appreciate having a local specialist.

“One of the main pieces of feedback I’ve had is how great it is that there’s a local resource who not only is able to provide the occupational medicine services locally but also has a much better awareness of the resources that are locally available,” says Dr. Ballantine.

He adds that it is important for PSI to support physicians in communities across the province. “Having an organization that is willing to focus on community health care and resources is hugely beneficial,” he says. “These courses have been very helpful to my career, and I’m appreciative of the support PSI has given me.”

50 Years of PSI: Resident Research Grants Provide Key Funding and Training for Next Generation of Clinician-Scientists

Medical trainees looking to gain experience in independent research have few options for funding support. But education and training, not just in clinical practice but also in how to conduct research, are critical to ensure that trainees can confidently pursue careers as clinician-scientists and pursue research that will change clinical practice.

PSI Foundation’s Resident Research Grants, which award up to $30,000 for up to two years, provide key funding to support these young investigators. The grants are part of PSI’s vision to support new investigators and ensure that physicians are well-equipped to lead innovative research and provide excellent health care.

“There are not that many opportunities as a junior investigator to have your own funding before your first academic position,” says Dr. Jodi Warman-Chardon, Director, Neuromuscular Centre and clinician-scientist at The Ottawa Hospital (Research Institute) and Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (Research Institute) (CHEO), who received a PSI Resident Research Grant in 2013. “The PSI funding is critical for creating the clinician-scientist leaders of tomorrow.”

For many trainees, a PSI Resident Research Grant provides invaluable experience in their training toward becoming an independent investigator. Residents lead the research and are the main contact for the grant, providing them with invaluable learning opportunities in every aspect of leading a grant, including administration.

Dr. Warman Chardon was completing a neurogenetics/neuromuscular fellowship at the University of Ottawa and CHEO when she was awarded a PSI Resident Research Grant. With supervisor Dr. Kym Boycott, Dr. Warman-Chardon studied next generation genetic sequencing to diagnose limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD), a group of inherited muscle disorders. They were able to identify disease-causing variants in genes known to be important to the condition, and they discovered a new gene responsible for early-onset disease.

The work resulted in several publications (including Clinical Genetics and Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports) and several national and international presentations, including a poster at PSI’s Annual General Meeting in 2016, for which she won the best poster award. “The generosity and ongoing support of PSI has launched many investigators’ careers and is a real capstone for a trainee,” she says. “These grants change your career trajectory.”

Based in part on the data from the Resident Research Grant, she received a PSI New Investigator Grant in 2019, with Dr. Boycott as co-principal investigator. This research project aims to integrate MRI, genome sequencing and RNA sequencing to improve diagnosis for genetic myopathies, thus improving care.

“These clinician-led projects are not always attractive projects for other granting agencies, but they do change care,” says Dr. Warman Chardon. “These grants help advance patient care that we would not otherwise be able to do, and on behalf of my patients with these rare diseases, I’m incredibly grateful for PSI’s support.”

Areas of non-support excluded from Resident Research Grants 

Dr. Bobby Yanagawa, a heart surgeon at St. Michael’s Hospital and Program Director in the Division of Cardiac Surgery at the University of Toronto, had already completed a PhD and a post-doctoral fellowship when he started his surgical residency in 2008. He received two PSI Resident Research Grants, in 2009 and 2012, to study two different proteins and their roles in cardiac injury and cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Yanagawa says that as a surgical trainee, he had a keen interest in research but limited time to conduct it, which made it difficult to secure funding from large agencies. PSI’s support was critical to helping him build a research program while completing his training.

“This funding is like a catapult,” he says. “It gives people who have a project of smaller scope the opportunity to publish some papers and generate some momentum.”

Importantly, while PSI does not typically fund research in certain areas, such as cancer and heart disease, these areas of non-support do not apply to Resident Research Grants. Dr. Yanagawa says this exception is critical for clinician-scientists at the beginning of their careers who may not yet have the track record to successfully apply for large grants from national agencies.

“There needs to be funding for the researchers who can’t compete at the national agencies and for pilot projects and innovative ideas that it’s hard to get the big dollars for,” he says. “Without this funding, the trainees in cancer and cardiovascular disease would suffer. It’s really important and very much appreciated.”

Dr. Yanagawa now supervises trainees leading their own research projects, including studies of rheumatic heart disease, training using surgical simulations, and gender equity in surgical training. He says that supervising residents is a way to show appreciation for the support he received during his training and share his knowledge with the next generation of clinician-scientists.

“It’s nice to be part of that continuum, and I enjoy being part of that process,” he says. “To have the opportunity to work on the project with a resident, get them to drive it, successfully get grant funding and eventually see the fruits of that research is very satisfying.”

50 Years of PSI: Dr. Kathy Boutis Builds Research Career Centred on De-escalating Interventions for Minor Injuries

“PSI has a long history of funding important clinical and practical questions that have a high potential to improve the practice of medicine.” – Dr. Kathy Boutis

As a pediatric emergency physician at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), Dr. Kathy Boutis has treated many children with minor musculoskeletal injuries. Her research program, with significant support from PSI Foundation, has helped to shape how physicians at SickKids and around the world treat and manage these common injuries.

“I am first a doctor and I love being a doctor,” she says. “I wanted to do research in an area where emergency physicians could lead the path to change using high quality evidence.” Hundreds of thousands of children present to Ontario’s emergency departments with minor musculoskeletal injuries every year, and Dr. Boutis recognized the impact she could have by studying them.

She began working with Dr. Suzanne Schuh on a project to predict the need for radiography in children with ankle injuries, the results of which were published in The Lancet in 2001. In 2002, she received her first PSI Foundation grant as a principal investigator, comparing a removable brace to a cast for low-risk ankle fractures. The results demonstrated that the brace allowed children to recover and return to physical activity quicker than casting, and was more cost-effective and preferred by patients. These two studies formed the building blocks of what was to become a successful research program over the next two decades.

Research aims to help physicians “choose wisely”

Dr. Boutis has since been principal investigator on three more PSI grants, all of which have focused on de-escalating interventions for minor musculoskeletal injuries in children. Casting and other interventions can occasionally cause complications, but the benefits of de-escalating the interventions go beyond reducing complications and include the potential to reduce health care costs and improve the quality of life for injured children and their families.

“Our overall goal is to optimize the diagnosis and management of pediatric musculoskeletal injuries. It appeals to the current interest and demand in choosing wisely,” she says. “We need to look at managing these common problems to be more resource-efficient and convenient for patients.”

She and her team received PSI funding to evaluate the Low Risk Ankle Rule, a clinical guideline for when children presenting with ankle injuries benefit from ankle x-rays. Implementing the rule safely reduced the rate of x-rays given to children by about 50%. This rule is now being adopted by emergency departments all over the world. She then noticed that one type of common minor ankle injury, presumed to be a fracture, was treated for weeks with a cast, which seemed unnecessary. PSI funded a project that studied this injury using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and found that most kids with this injury, in fact, did not have a fracture – rather they had ankle sprains that could be managed with rest, ice, and return to activities when the child was ready. Her most recent grant awarded by PSI in 2019 is extending these principles to a minor leg fracture in toddlers, with the hopes of creating an equally safe but more convenient treatment for these injuries. “Parenting a toddler is challenging enough without the addition of restricting their activity for weeks,” she says. “If we can make managing these injuries easier, it’s a win for parents and the health care system.”

Growing out of her PSI-funded work, it became obvious that emergency physicians found pediatric image interpretation challenging, which led to medical errors. As a result, Dr. Boutis also implements cutting-edge medical education theory into the teaching of medical image interpretation, such as that required for x-rays and ultrasounds. This research eventually led to the development of ImageSim, an award winning and nationally acclaimed innovative web-based image interpretation learning system.

Study results have changed clinical guidelines around management of minor injuries

Studying minor injuries in pediatric emergency medicine is a niche area of research that has limited funding opportunities, and Dr. Boutis says that PSI Foundation funding has been critical. “PSI has been pivotal to my work,” she says. “They have always been very fair and transparent. I feel very positively about the organization and their mission.”

PSI funding has allowed Dr. Boutis to complete high quality multicentre trials that have made a significant impact in the field. She has published in numerous high impact journals, and her work has caught the attention of leading textbooks in the field. These efforts led to the development of clinical guidelines around management of minor musculoskeletal injuries internationally – which helped her realize her goal of making an impact on emergency medicine practice. “If my work never got implemented at the bedside, it would feel like all the evidence I derived failed,” she says. “One of the best compliments I receive is from my colleagues is that it makes them better doctors. You could not get a better compliment than that.”


50 Years of PSI: Dr. Ian Gilron Advances Research on Combination Therapy for Acute and Chronic pain

“PSI funds a diversity of different types of clinical research – the whole gamut of medical and surgical specialities. It’s amazing what PSI has been able to accomplish in so many different areas.” – Dr. Ian Gilron 

Dr. Ian Gilron, an anesthesiologist at Kingston Health Sciences Centre and professor at Queen’s University, credits PSI Foundation funding for advancing his team’s research on combination therapy for acute and chronic pain. “When I was first getting involved in this field more than 25 years ago, pain management was such a big area of clinical need and there were lot of unanswered research questions,” says Dr. Gilron. “That continues to be the case, although we have made much progress.”

Pain helps to protect the body and alerts it to harm, and because of this important role many different neural pathways transmit pain. As a result of the many mechanisms involved, treating pain is challenging. A single pain drug by itself is unlikely to be highly effective for many patients, but rather combinations of treatments that target different pathways are often used.

Dr. Gilron has focused his team’s research program on evaluating drug combinations to treat both acute and chronic pain. “The first three project grants we got from PSI absolutely advanced the field in understanding multimodal drug therapy for acute pain, and a lot of those principles are also being applied in chronic pain,” he says. “The work funded by PSI has really helped advance that field.”

In particular, Dr. Gilron’s PSI-funded research has focused on understanding the treatment and impact of movement-evoked pain after surgery. His research suggested that movement-evoked pain may have different mechanisms than pain at rest, and it often does not respond to opioids in the same way as pain at rest.

His first three PSI Foundation grants funded single-centre clinical trials of drug combinations to treat movement-evoked pain after abdominal surgery: a study comparing a two-drug combination of rofecoxib and gabapentin to either drug alone, a study comparing meloxicam and gabapentin together to either drug alone, and a study comparing a triple combination of acetaminophen, meloxicam and gabapentin to any two of the drugs together. In each study, pain levels and other measures of physical function were improved with combination treatment at various timepoints after surgery.

New research is evaluating antioxidant’s effectiveness for pain 

At the same time as Dr. Gilron was leading this work in acute pain, he was also conducting proof-of-concept clinical trials of drug combinations for chronic pain.

These clinical trials were published in high-impact journals, including The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine, and Pain, and they all showed that the combination therapies being evaluated were more effective than any one of the drugs alone. “The improvement we observed with the combination was statistically significant, but it was a moderate improvement. We were hoping for more,” says Dr. Gilron. He adds that the side effects of each drug being tested, particularly the sedative effects, limited the dosages and, therefore, the added effectiveness of the combination therapies.

His most recent research is evaluating a possible treatment that has no sedative side effects, making it an ideal “partner” to combine with other pain drugs that do have this sedative effect. Recent studies have suggested that the antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid relieves pain in nerve conditions such as diabetic neuropathy without a sedative effect, and it could potentially be used in combination therapy for other chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia.

Building on this previous work and the need to identify new non-sedating chronic pain treatments, in 2015, Dr. Gilron received PSI funding for a proof-of-concept clinical trial studying the effects of alpha-lipoic acid on pain relief in fibromyalgia. The results, recently published in Pain, did not suggest that alpha-lipoic acid is an effective treatment for fibromyalgia in most patients, although there was a trend for pain reduction in male patients with fibromyalgia. As such, this trial represented an important step in research to identify new treatments for chronic pain.

“PSI is willing to take chances on new ideas. It is very focused on funding high quality research and skilled investigators, so they don’t take a risk in that perspective, but certainly it is willing to support new ideas and innovation,” says Dr. Gilron. “For PSI to keep our combination research program advancing for so many years then give us the opportunity to bring our research in a whole new direction is something quite unique.”

50 Years of PSI: Dr. Michael Fehlings’ Translational Research Improves Outcomes for Spinal Cord Injuries

“PSI Foundation really understands translational research and the idea of the clinician scientist. The Foundation has a unique position in supporting clinically relevant research, and this has been an important contribution to science in Ontario, and therefore nationally and internationally.” – Dr. Michael Fehlings, Toronto Western Hospital and University of Toronto

Dr. Michael Fehlings, a neurosurgeon at Toronto Western Hospital and professor in the University of Toronto’s Department of Surgery, was first exposed to the idea of translational research and the role of clinician scientists as a medical student. “I was impressed that by asking key questions related to medical practice, one could generate research that could change the way you treat a patient,” he says.

During his research career, he has focused on spinal cord injuries, specifically secondary spinal cord injuries – the biochemical processes such as inflammation and generation of reactive oxygen species that cause cell death following an initial spinal cord injury. Because these secondary injuries can exacerbate the initial injury, understanding these mechanisms is critical to develop new treatments. Dr. Fehlings says that PSI Foundation’s support of translational research has been critical to his research program.

PSI Foundation has funded his research for more than 25 years, from his early basic research on the mechanisms of secondary injury to more recent translational studies of biomarkers for degenerative spinal conditions. “PSI Foundation had the confidence to allow me to come forward with various ideas over the years,” he says. “A number of these strategies funded by PSI Foundation have now become translated into therapeutics or clinical trials.”
One of the first significant discoveries in his career, partially funded by PSI Foundation, demonstrated that when sodium enters nerve cells after an injury, it amplifies nerve cell damage. Based on this discovery, the sodium channel blocker riluzole, which is approved for treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), is now in phase 3 clinical trials to improve outcomes for traumatic spinal cord injuries.

Over the years, he and his team have studied whether intravenous IgG, approved for treatment of various inflammatory conditions, is effective in reducing secondary spinal injury, and in enhancing recovery after surgery for degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM), a degenerative form of arthritis. This work is now in late preclinical stages. They also developed a novel bioengineered system to deliver drugs to treat spinal cord injuries, which served as a critical proof of principle for current delivery systems being tested in clinical trials.

Dr. Fehlings says that PSI Foundation support was essential to these discoveries. “In each case, we were able to leverage PSI funding several fold, bringing in additional grants and industry support to move it forward to clinical trials,” he adds.

Support from the PSI Foundation has been instrumental in a number of discoveries throughout his career that have garnered him international recognition. In 2009, he was awarded the Olivecrona Award, the top international award for neurosurgeons and neuroscientists awarded by the Nobel Institute at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, for his important contributions in central nervous system injury repair and regeneration. In 2014, Dr. Fehlings was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Canada and to the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, and last year the Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, presented him with the Ryman Prize for his work enhancing the quality of life for older people.

His most recent PSI Foundation grant, awarded in 2017, is more directly translational. He and his team are studying whether genetic biomarkers in blood samples can identify individuals who are more susceptible to DCM. Identifying these patients would allow for earlier, possibly even preventive, treatment. Early results have been very promising, and the work will be published soon.

Dr. Fehlings’ research, directly or partially funded by PSI Foundation, has led to results that have influenced clinical practice guidelines and enhanced outcomes for patients. “Translational work is always evolving,” he says. “Being a clinician-scientist has allowed me to ask critical questions and make a positive impact to help with innovative treatments.”

New PSI Funding Opportunity: 2022 PSI Research Trainee Award

PSI Launches the 2022 Competition for the PSI Research Trainee Award

PSI Foundation is very excited to announce the 2022 competition for the PSI Research Trainee Award. The primary aim of this fellowship is to provide highly qualified Medical Doctors (M.D.) with clinically applicable research training opportunities and support.

Please note: This funding opportunity is not an additional PSI operating grant. PSI encourages candidates to apply for PSI’s operating grants, such as Resident Research and New Investigator Research grants.


Applicants must either:

  • Be an M.D. in a Ph.D or MSc. program at an Ontario university


  • In a combined M.D./Ph.D or MSc. program at an Ontario university


  • In the Clinician Investigator Program (CIP)

Amount and Duration of Funding

A maximum of $25,000 per year for two (2) years is available from PSI.

Please note: sponsoring institutions are required to co-fund 50% of the amount requested from PSI. For example, if the fellow requests $20,000 per year from PSI, then the sponsoring institution must provide $10,000 per year.

Important Information in Funding Guidelines

The Funding Guidelines contain important information regarding the award. Please review this document before applying.

How to Apply

Similar to previous years, each of Ontario’s six medical universities may submit up to two candidates; therefore, all applications must be submitted through the medical university. The deadline for medical universities to submit their applications to PSI is August 9th, 2021 at 5pm EST.

Please contact the medical university research office regarding internal application process/deadlines. Medical universities must submit their applications to PSI via PSI online grants management system.

New PSI Funding Opportunity: 2022 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

PSI Launches the 2022 Competition for the PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

PSI Foundation is very pleased to announce the 2022 competition for the PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship. This Fellowship is intended to provide salary support for a new/mid-career investigator who has demonstrated the ability to successfully complete high impact knowledge translation research. The Fellowship funds, dedicated to salary support, must protect at least 50% of the Fellow’s time to conduct such research.

Please note: Knowledge translation must be the fundamental purpose of this Fellowship and must be demonstrated in the application.

Amount and Duration of Funding

This program offers two options for a funding timeline for salary support: A maximum of $150,000 per year for two years; OR a maximum of $100,000 per year for three years.

Please note: the award is intended to protect at least 50% of the fellow’s time to undertake research, regardless of whether the award is taken over two or three years.


For the 2022 competition, PSI has modified the eligibility criteria as follows:

The candidate for the Fellowship must be either:

  • Within fifteen (15) years of their first academic appointment and have demonstrated potential for high impact research work
  • dedicating at least 50% of a full-time schedule to the Fellowship
  • a practising physician having direct patient care responsibilities and an academic appointment, thus eligible to apply for her/his own research grants as an independent investigator.


  • a fellow who is a practising physician having direct patient care responsibilities, with a supervisor who has an academic appointment and that can provide the necessary research supervision and infrastructure (including administering the grant at the sponsoring institution).  A letter of support from this supervisor must be included in the application.

Important Information in Funding Guidelines

The Funding Guidelines contain important information regarding the award, including PSI’s definition of knowledge translation, sponsoring institution requirements, and funding criteria. Please review this document before applying.

How to Apply

PSI is launching the 2022 competition through a Letter of Intent (LOI) process. Please note that for the 2022 competition, applicants are required to submit their applications directly to PSI, not through the institution.

We require all applicants to submit the completed LOI directly to PSI via the PSI Online Grants Management System (https://psifoundation.smartsimple.ca/) by July 16th, 2021 at 5pm EST.

LOIs will be reviewed by the PSI Grants Committee in August 2021. PSI will invite successful applicants to submit full applications by November 8th, 2021 5pm EST, which will undergo internal review for a final funding decision in December 2021.


Please contact the PSI Office to discuss any questions you may have about submitting an application for funding.

Resident-Led Research Raises Awareness of Training in End-of-Life Care – Drs. Sameer Shaikh & Samantha Arora

“Opportunities such as the Resident Research Grant help residents gain the skills necessary to participate in crucial research and build excitement to continue pursuing research projects when they move on in their careers. The more that trainees can immerse themselves in research during their training, the higher the probability that they will incorporate such skills into their full-time careers.” – Dr. Sameer Shaikh, Joseph Brant Hospital, Burlington

Resident-led research supported by PSI Foundation is drawing attention to the most common and effective forms of medical training in end-of-life care. A better understanding of current training may suggest new learning approaches to help trainees become competent and comfortable with these important skills.

Research has found that 50 to 70% of Canadians die while in hospital, many in high-dependency units such as the ICU, so physicians are often involved with patients and their families during the patient’s final moments.

“In my opinion, taking care of someone at the end of their life is just as important as knowing how to resuscitate a sick patient,” says Dr. Sameer Shaikh, an ICU and ER physician at Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlington. “Knowing how to have these essential but difficult conversations with patients and their loved ones ensures that we are truly serving our patients based on their own values and wishes and that the resources we have are not being misused.”

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada outlines nine end-of-life care objectives for adult critical care medicine trainees (also known as fellows), including pain and symptom management, withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy, and bereavement and counselling. “But end-of-life skills are not necessarily part of the traditional mindset of an early critical care trainee,” says Dr. Samantha Arora, a critical care physician at Thunder Bay Health Sciences Centre. “Most often, fellows are focused on the procedural skills and expert knowledge that they have to acquire, and end-of-life skills can become lost.”

Dr. Shaikh and Dr. Arora were training in critical care at McMaster University when they applied to PSI Foundation for a Resident Research Grant to examine critical care fellows’ end-of-life training and their comfort with these skills.

PSI’s Resident Research Grant is a unique and valuable opportunity for medical trainees, as it requires the resident to be the principal investigator and perform the majority of the research, preparing them for future careers in research. “The onus for the research is on the resident, and it becomes their responsibility in a different way than if they are simply part of the team,” says Dr. Arora. “When you’re involved with the granting agency, you’re part of the conversations around the entire study, and it really helps build those research skills.”

In 2018, PSI funded the ESPRIT (End of Life Skills and Professionalism for Critical Care Residents in Training) study , a national survey of 78 critical care fellows and 12 program directors (PDs). The survey asked about how end-of-life skills are commonly taught and how comfortable fellows are with the Royal College’s end-of-life care learning objectives. In some ways, the survey provided data that confirmed Dr. Shaikh’s and Dr. Arora’s own experiences: fellows and PDs reported that informal forms of teaching, such as direct observation, advice from attending physicians, self-reflection and even voluntary feedback from nurses, were the most common forms of teaching. While these informal methods were often reported as effective, Dr. Arora says, “it does raise questions about how well we understand how much trainees actually know about end-of-life skills and how we are evaluating their knowledge.”

The survey also highlighted that fellows and PDs did not always perceive the learning experience of certain skills in the same way. For example, trainees reported being quite comfortable with pain and symptom management, while most PDs did not feel this skill was taught effectively. The largest discrepancies related to organ donation skills. While most PDs thought these skills were taught effectively, only 65% of trainees were comfortable identifying candidates for donation after cardiac death (DCD) and less than half were comfortable conducting the DCD process.

“Just because PDs perceive a skill as being taught well doesn’t mean that trainees are more comfortable performing that skill,” says Dr. Shaikh. “The more we understand these discrepancies, the more we can bridge the gap between curriculum design and trainee requirements.”

The study’s results were particularly timely, as the Royal College was about to implement Competency Based Medical Education, and the survey suggested gaps where fellows could use additional training. For example, specialized rotations with faculty experts in palliative care or with agencies such as the Trillium Gift of Life Network could expose fellows to specialized knowledge.

The ESPRIT survey was completed well before the COVID-19 pandemic, but the current crisis has heightened awareness of the importance of effectively teaching end-of-life skills. “In some ways, this pandemic is the ultimate training experience for critical care trainees when it comes to knowing how to manage end-of-life care in the ICU,” says Dr. Shaikh. “I hope that our trainees are using this experience to enhance their skills and recognize how important an area this is within their training.”

2021 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship – Dr. Fahad Razak

“Many adverse events in hospital are underrecognized and poorly captured by existing data – You can’t improve what you can’t measure. Support from the PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship will allow me to study whether artificial intelligence methods applied to routinely collected hospital data enhance our ability to detect adverse events.

As a starting point, we are focusing on hospital-acquired delirium, a feared complication of hospitalization that increases mortality rates and leaves many patients with long-term functional and cognitive impairment. Delirium likely affects about 20% of hospitalized medical patients but current data misses about 4/5 cases. We are applying artificial intelligence methods to hospital data from the GEMINI platform to see if we can improve the identification of delirium.” – Dr. Fahad Razak

2021 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

PSI Foundation is delighted to announce Dr. Fahad Razak of St. Michael’s Hospital of Unity Health Toronto/University of Toronto as the 2021 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellow.

About Dr. Fahad Razak (University of Toronto/St. Michael’s Hospital of Unity Health Toronto)

Dr. Razak co-leads Ontario Health’s General Medicine Quality Improvement Network (GeMQIN), which focuses on improving the care of hospitalized medical patients. He is the co-founder and co-lead of GEMINI, a big data network across more than 30 large Ontario Hospitals that extracts data generated as part of routine medical care and uses this data for research and quality improvement (https://www.geminimedicine.ca/). GEMINI is the largest hospital data research network in Canada. The team is deeply committed to harnessing the potential of existing data to inform the work of front-line physicians and hospital leadership. Knowledge translation is at the heart of GEMINI’s mission.

Dr. Razak completed an engineering degree, medical school, and internal medicine training at the University of Toronto. His research training was an MSc in Health Research Methods from McMaster University, and the David E Bell Fellowship at Harvard University where he focused on developing methods to understand variability in health measures. He is a staff general internist at St Michael’s Hospital of Unity Health Toronto and an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine and at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto. He is the inaugural Provincial Lead, Quality Improvement in General Internal Medicine for Ontario Health.

About PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship

Knowledge translation research aims at transitioning research discoveries to the real world to improve health outcomes.

This prestigious fellowship – valued at $300,000 for over three years – helps protect a new, promising clinician’s research time, allowing the Fellow to undertake high-impact translational research.

2020 4th Quarter Update

PSI Foundation provides quarterly updates to keep Ontario’s physicians and the general public informed about our activities and achievements. If you have any feedback about these updates, please email the PSI Foundation office.

More than $1,000,000 in New Funding Approved

More than 11 applications totaling $1,139,000 were approved at the December 2020 Grants Committee meeting. At this meeting, the Grants Committee reviewed the standard funding streams (New Investigator Grant, Health Research Grant, Healthcare Research by Community Physicians, Resident Research, etc.), as well as applications for the 2021 PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship.

More information about the funded studies is available on PSI’s Funded Research page.

We thank all of the applicants for their submissions, external peer reviewers for enhancing the scientific rigour of our granting program, and Ontario institutions for supporting PSI with the award process.

Changes to Application Form Guidelines – CV Requirements

PSI has revised the CV requirements on our application forms (excluding PSI Graham Farquharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship). For new applications, please ensure all CV follow the following guidelines:

“Each CV is to be made up of two components. The first component should include all relevant information such as education, hospital/academic appointments, committees, etc. The second component is to be a list of major accomplishments (e.g. publications, presentations, grants received, awards, etc.) that directly apply to this application. Maximum 5 pages.”

Holiday Office Closure

PSI Foundation head office will be closed from Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020 to Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 (inclusive). We wish you a safe and happy holiday season.

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